Monday, August 13, 2012

RANDOM TIPS To Get Leaner, Faster, Stronger, Better!! | Ultimate ...

A fast read for you,

Some tips you may resonate with and others you may not. Some are fact (well as factual as science can be at this time) and some are just my opinion.

Use, discard as you see fit. I wrote them all while riding the tube to work and back and they brought a smile to my face. Therapy for me, if nothing else.

They are in no particular order and are seen in they order they came out of my randomly organised head.



  1. Take the stairs, not the elevator or escalator.
  2. If you?re going to eat carbs, then earn carbs. Does not matter how good the quality of them is, if you eat too many you?ll be wearing them around your hips or stomach!
  3. Get on your bike, or use Boris?s ones.
  4. If it has been grown in the ground, grown on a tree or has parents, eat it.
  5. Knowledge is power only when that knowledge is applied.
  6. Get more sunlight, get out of the office for short breaks when its out. Take quality Vitamin D when it?s not.
  7. Appreciate your family. Write then personalised letters, emails are for business. A letter shows you care.
  8. Watch funny movies.
  9. Eat your greens, and if you?re struggling to get enough use powdered ones.
  10. Be kind to everyone you meet, it will surprise them.
  11. Read more books, and no I don?t mean Fifty Shades of Grey? ones that teach you stuff. (Ok I take that back about Fifty Shades Of Grey)
  12. Watch less TV, now the Olympics is over.
  13. Don?t drink juice if you are drinking it because you think it?s good for you. If you want the goodness drink water and eat a piece of fruit.
  14. If you have stress, live in a city, exercise, drink alcohol, smoke, and many other reasons then take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement to cover your bases. I?d love it if we got it all from the food we eat, but alas those days are long gone.
  15. Don?t drink calories, unless its post workout.
  16. Train with balance. Yes a good chest and biceps look great, but they look better with a great back and triceps.
  17. Treat yourself, after all you have to live with you, so look after you.
  18. Spend time with people that motivate you.
  19. Stretch more.
  20. Warm up, your joints will love you for that and they will reward you by lasting longer.
  21. Use compound movements, if you want more results in less time and to maximise fat burning.
  22. Superset. It?s the superhero of training protocols.
  23. Remember supplements are just that?. A supplement. Don?t eat bad and rely on a supplement to fill the void. Eat well and choose supplements wisely. Much more on this soon.
  24. Essential Fatty Acids are called that because they are essential. Eat lots of good fats. You?ll get thinner, trust me.
  25. Think quality when buying food. Eat the best you can afford. Organic means less chemicals, free range means a better life, less stress and better feed?. Respect your food.
  26. Smile, it feels good.
  27. If given the choice between being positive and being negative, make sure your glass is half full. If it?s not fill it up.
  28. Think about what you say and how you say it to people you care about. Well if you care that is.
  29. Train harder and smarter. Not sure how, hey I know some good Personal Trainers ;-)
  30. Change your workouts often, if you want to change your body.
  31. Don?t eat cereals for breakfast unless you?re happy with how you look.
  32. Eat more of the right fruit and less of the wrong fruit.
  33. Sprint your way to fat loss. It?s a faster way of doing it, in every sense of the word!
  34. Do activities that you enjoy and then work out how they are going to make you healthy.
  35. Take advice from people that walk the walk. Most information is mis-information. Sort the wheat from the chaff.
  36. Say hello to bus drivers. They will be taken aback.
  37. Donate to a charity you have a connection to.
  38. Give people complements, they cost nothing but are infinitely valuable.
  39. Open doors for strangers.
  40. Lift heavy weights and until the moment you feel you are getting bulky (PS you won?t get bulky)
  41. Breath deeply while foam rolling, it?s a great way to relax your muscles and your mind.
  42. Get more sleep, this is when your body rebuilds. Give it the opportunity to do so. 8 Hours a day please. If you don?t the stress will take it?s toll!
  43. Drink less alcohol and if you (very occasionally) do stick to red wine or vodka. Not together though.
  44. Over deliver in whatever you do.
  45. Respect your elders, especially me.
  46. Remember sarcasm is the lowest form of Wit. However it is funny.
  47. Drink more water.
  48. Escape the city when you can and see a bit of nature.
  49. Practice what you preach.
  50. Use music to motivate you.
  51. Do not buy battery chickens or eggs if you value your health and theirs.
  52. Stop eating bread, even whole wheat bread, burgen bread, or whatever.
  53. Avoid processed and low fat foods. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
  54. Use fish oil, it?s natures magic potion.
  55. Challenge yourself, don?t get too comfortable in life
  56. Cook for friends, and make the food tasty and healthy. Google Jamie Oliver Recipes if in doubt.
  57. Get a copy of The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth by Jonny Bowden. It?s the bible of food and beautifully presented.
  58. If you like it then eat chocolate once in a while but make sure it?s the best and it?s only once in a while.
  59. Visit museums, appreciate where you?ve come from.
  60. If you play the lottery, promise the guy at the till you?ll give him 10% if you win. The chances are remote, and he?ll think you?re a legend. If you win give him the money and give me 10% too as I?m the reason you won ;)
  61. Grandparents are awesome. Make sure you let them know that if you?re lucky enough to have any.
  62. Workout three times a week, use a personal trainer if you want to make it effective. You can get all you need to do in three sessions as long as you?re on it with your nutrition and lifestyle. Train to live, don?t live to train!

I?ll probably add to this over time, maybe one or two make sense to you.

Tom @ UCF



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