Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Weekly Recipe Roundup: Mexican Week! | VegOnline.org - Vegetarian

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Here we are celebrating the start of a new week and yet again we find ourselves wishing it were still the weekend. Well, at least I do, because weekends mean time to relax, sleep, rest, and all sorts of synonyms that mean ?essentially do nothing.? A siesta! When I need to get things jumpstarted in my week, I like to think ahead to some delicious food since my stomach is really the one deciding my excitement for the days ahead, and few other types of food get it as excited as Mexican-themed meals. As vegetarians and vegans, Mexican food tends to be a wonderful place to look for great meatless recipes without a loss of flavor, so let?s get this week?s recipe roundup going with a yummy Mexican theme!

cheesy bean and sweetcorn nachosCheesy Bean and Sweetcorn Nachos (Old El Paso)

While there?s no rule that states nachos should be included in every Mexican-themed meal, I?m putting my foot down right now and claiming that they should be. Something about the mixture of rich flavors and simplicity of the design is to be commended and respected, so this recipe for cheesy bean and sweetcorn nachos from Old El Paso, the company known for their tortilla shells and chips, just seems to hit all the right notes for me. Though, that?s not really all too difficult considering how easily I attach myself to the idea of cheese, corn, and beans on a chip. Sometimes simple is best!

red mole sauceRed Mole Sauce (Vegan Mexican Food.com)

A lot of times people get stuck in the rut of Mexican food where they assume everything has to be a simple rice and bean dish with some cheese here and some salsa there, but that forgets some of the truly unique flavors exclusive to Mexican entrees, such as mole. No no, not like the little burrow an animal, the sweet, savory sauce used for all sorts of meals. This recipe for Red Mole Sauce from Vegan Mexican Food.com gives us the perfect complement for something like a basic tamale and helps it transcend just plain ?good? into the realm of ?magnificent.?

bean butternut tacoBean & Butternut Tacos with Green Salsa (Eating Well)

Of course I couldn?t rightfully talk about Mexican cuisine without including something taco-like, right? No, that?d be a sin! But while the standard taco is essentially just a tortilla with meat, cheese, and lettuce, and a vegetarian alternative would require the removal of meat, this bean and butternut taco recipe, including green (verde) salsa, just makes my mouth water as it feels wholly its own creation. We must thank Eating Well for the inclusion as it also uses soft shells, which when cooked right are so far superior to the hard shells that most people instantly think of when they think of tacos. The uniqueness is palpable, and the taste is, too!

eggplant sandwichEggplant Tomato and Feta Sandwiches (Mex Grocer.com)

In a similar taco-like vein, Mex Grocer.com has a slightly different take with this eggplant, tomato, and feta sandwich recipe, and by ?slightly different? I mean the two recipes are hardly the same thing at all. Both are taco/burrito-esque in appearance, but what I?m seeing here is a fantastic blending of flavors and textures. Never underestimate the appeal of a well made wrap! The only risky part to a tortilla wrap or something similar is that you can easily get carried away and keep eating them, one after the other, until they?re all gone and you?re landlocked until further notice. Then again, that?s half the appeal for me, so whatever, I?ll gladly eat n? eat n? eat n? eat n? eat until I die! Alright, perhaps moderation is nice, but the appeal of the eggplant, tomato, and feta sandwiches are that they have some very healthy inclusions, and that?s got to count for something. It?s like I?m not even eating anything at all! Right? Okay, I?ll sit down and be quiet.

guaca maryGuaca Mary (Miso Vegan)

Perhaps the most special recipe featured this week is the final addition to the meal, or the meal all by itself. I?m talking about the Guaca Mary, coming to us from Miso Vegan, whom we featured not too long ago. Instead of a simple beverage, we have a thick, full drink that includes quite a few things you may not think to drink, almost making it appear like a green smoothie or something. The great part is that while it can easily be alcoholic, it doesn?t require it be alcoholic, meaning everyone can enjoy it regardless of age or drink preferences. I?m extremely torn here as this is a bold, adventurous drink for those with bold, adventurous spirits, and I?m not sure I have it in me! I?m a weak, scared little man who wants his weekend back and a few minutes with some nachos! But, were someone to hand me one of these and tell me to drink it or die, I?m sure I?d find the courage and enjoy it thoroughly.

And with that, we have completed another weekly recipe roundup! Who out there is a big fan of Mexican dishes in general? Are there some recipes on here you?d be willing to try out? Or do you have your own to suggest? Leave a comment and let me know! Now, I believe someone mentioned a siesta? That does sound like a rather appealing idea?

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