Saturday, June 9, 2012

Man gets Zimmerman's old cell number, and threats

By Louis Casiano Jr.

Junior Alexander Guy, 49, never owned a cell phone before.?

After purchasing one from T-Mobile last month he began receiving angry phone calls at all hours of the day,?the Orlando Sentinel reported.

"At 2 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the morning I kept getting these," Guy told the Sentinel.

?After having the phone for two days, Guy realized that the number assigned to his phone used to belong to George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch leader who fatally shot Trayvon Martin in February.

He told the Sentinel that some of the messages left were disturbing:

"You deserve to die!"

"You murderer!"

The number,?407-435-2400, is the one?Zimmerman gave to the police dispatcher in a recorded call the night of the shooting. Afterward, it was?circulated by news organizations.?

Guy said he became afraid for his safety and moved himself and his mother to a different location.

He purchased the phone on May 7 and a week later turned it over to Orlando lawyer?Robert Trimble,?who has kept it in his safe.?

Trimble told the Sentinel that he has asked T-Mobile to pay for damages, but so far the company has only offered an account credit and waived an early termination fee. The number has?since?been retired.?

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Guy never had a cell phone before because he was released from prison last year after serving 19 years for cocaine trafficking.?According to the Florida Department of Corrections records, it was his third time in prison.?

Regardless of Guy's criminal history, Trimble told the Sentinel, his client should be compensated.?"I'm asking them for a fair and reasonable sum," he told the newspaper.

Zimmerman is in the Seminole County Jail after having his bail revoked?while awaiting trial on a second-degree murder charge.

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