Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to Become Successful through Self Improvement

There are many books available about self improvement on the internet. There are some about handling objections, difficulties, becoming more assertive and motivated. However, for the everyday people it is not possible to build up a business and go through every single book at the same time. Although there are many motivational books recommended for people starting a business venture, there are some principles that can be covered in a single article to focus on. Self improvement books and so called 12 step books are very popular these days. It is because they provide a quick fix. Still, if the person would like to focus on developing more than one areas of their personality, they would have to go through all of them. The below guide is giving a quick overview of the skills to be developed to become successful.


Assertiveness does not mean behaving like a bulldozer with people. It means focusing on the goals of the company and business and being able to compromise if necessary. Being able to convince others is a skill that is essential to success. Getting through people who do not share the same values and goals would be challenging in the beginning, however, over time this can be learned. Empathy and public speaking skills can also help become more assertive. Assertiveness is seeing the goal ahead of us and reaching it the fastest and fairest way. It is certainly not about cheating and lying to people in order to get closer to the goal. Making a decision in the right time is crucial for the survival of a business.


It is also important to see the business, products, services and the leadership from the outside. Being objective is about measuring with others? eyes. Looking at the benefits of the product or service for customers, as well as the business is the first step. Assuming that just because the product is our own it is much better and more beneficial for customers than others is a foolish way of behaving. It is better to do the market research objectively and measure all the variables before comparing. Having statistics about the income, profit, competitiveness, market share and costs requires an approach only real leaders can use.


A good business is not only running smoothly but can be assessed any time. Organizing workflow, deadlines, resources and delivery is a task not many entrepreneurs like. It is still essential. Without having all the invoices in place, it would be difficult to prepare for a visit from a taxman, not to mention the case when things go wrong and customers complain. The best approach to organizing a business is to create an initial system with responsibilities and check points and improving it based on the performance measures. Being organized also means being prepared for every opportunity and risk that might occur in the business.

Time Management and Work Life Balance

Business owners often have a problem with managing their own time. Chances are that if they worked as an employee before they would have had schedules, breaks and a set time for working. When a person becomes self employed and starts their own business they somehow lose the sense of time and responsibility. They go on social networking sites, fail to set deadlines for different tasks and miss some appointments. Real managers have to maintain their own diary and set up a time management system that works for them. This might mean that they would have to set their own breaks, targets and working hours, but it is better than a disorganized office with missed deadlines. It is also important to maintain a work-life balance and take at least one day a week off from building a business.

Team Building

It is not possible to build a big business without having a team. It is hard to let go of tasks, and most people fail to do it because they do not believe others can do it the same way they do. This approach is indeed bad for the business. Letting go of the low value or low productivity tasks is essential to avoid work overload. Selecting the right people and building a team is a task that requires loads of skills and the ability to turn followers into believers. If the business owner believes in the success of the venture, they can lead others into becoming exciting about it, too. These people would later become a team working together perfectly and assisting the manager.

Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are similar to management and team building skills, however, they require loads of confidence and the ability to compromise when necessary. Assigning tasks and responsibilities, rewarding and disciplining employees, arranging training and providing the essential knowledge to do the job are all parts of this package. Setting realistic goals and expectations, praising and motivating others is one of the most valuable skills a business owner can have. Good leaders are also good at communicating company goals and personal development requirements. A good leader listens and measures, rewards and sets standards. Creating the culture of the company employees will own is the most powerful way of motivation.

People Skills

When doing business, it is essential to be able to effectively communicate with people and build bridges (relationships). Accepting diversity, exercising inclusion and being able to talk to people from all walks of life is crucial. From business partners to investors, employees, service providers; there are many people a businessperson would come across. They need to be able to listen to others? view and cooperate on a level that is beneficial for both parties. Being clear and open about business and objectives is good; but communicating this effectively and ?getting the message through? is even better. Informing employees about the business? achievements, goals and the changes ahead is a good approach and builds trust. Successful businesspeople achieve the support of all stakeholders through open communication and listening. It does not matter which level the manager communicates; email, face-to-face or on the phone; the appreciation of the other party should also be expressed.

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