Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Police Called to Jackson Family Compound in Response to Battery Claim

Katherine Jackson may have been found, but controversy and confusion continues to reign when it comes to the Jackson family these days.

TMZ sources confirm that L.A. County Sheriff's Deputies were called to the Jackson compound in Calabasas today after family members reported some kind of disturbance.

A battery report was filed, but it's unclear at the moment who was involved. No arrests were made.

Jackson Family and Bieber

Sheriff deputies have reportedly been keeping an eye on the family since April because a business associate of the family claims Katherine Jackson is being mistreated by certain relatives. This dispute allegedly was connected to that assertion.

Meanwhile, tension has mounted between family members because Michael Jackson's will left all of his money and assets to his three children and the Michael Jackson Trust. No siblings were listed on the document.

When Katherine Jackson was first reported missing, many believed it was somehow related to this feud - and many are still confused about why she had no contact with her grandchildren for a week.

It's all a very confusing situation, which, sadly, is commonplace at this point for the Jacksons.

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/07/police-called-to-jackson-family-compound-in-response-to-battery/

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