Tuesday, July 31, 2012

O/N BOCES Board President Becky Albright Talks Kids

Becky Albright has been on the Orleans/Niagara BOCES Board of Education for 18 years representing the Wilson Central School District.? She was recently elected as the BOCES Board President from June 2012 to June 2013.? You might know her if you watch LCTV as the host of ?Your Public Schools which brings news about local educational topics to about 60,000 viewers.? When asked about being a board member this is what she had to say:?

?Try a little bragging now and again.?

In the beginning I had two children.? When my son and daughter were five and two respectively I adopted 1200 others between the ages of five and twenty-one.? By now it is obvious that I am a school board member. Elected to Wilson Central in 1986 before my son started school and my daughter was out of diapers, I became ?Mom? in a much broader sense of the word!

In 1994 I was elected to Orleans/Niagara BOCES and my brood grew to 37,000 give or take.? I don?t remember their birthdays and they will never get my car keys, but they are mine non-the-less!? I fret over them, I advocate for them, and I brag about them every chance I get.

About this bragging thing, I feel fully entitled to brag, after all aren?t they just the best things ever?? What would we do without them?? Wouldn?t we have wanted folks to brag about us a tiny bit?

There is a distinct difference between advocating and bragging. Advocating is speaking up for public education and? the resources we need,? I do a lot of that when I visit legislators, but bragging is bringing attention to what these kids are actually doing. There might be a more subtle way of saying it than bragging , but broadcasting success is sharing good news with folks that forget there IS good news because they don?t hear it anywhere else.

Frankly speaking I find board work stressful.? Advocacy in this climate is very demanding and frustrating, but when I brag?..I light up. Bragging brings a thrill to these old bones and is exhilarating not to mention energizing.? When I talk about pending legislation and budget woes I get depressed, so who wouldn?t choose thrilled over depressed!

Have you watched the face of a kid when you talk nice to them, when you talk to them as though you think they are special and you are proud of them?? Do you notice how they sit up straighter, maybe even smile a bit?? Have you tried that with parents? Have you tried that with community members? When kids do well everyone puffs up with a sense of accomplishment, that feeling of well-being can easily outweighs tax increases and other troubling events.

So here is brag 101, act like they are your kids.? Remember how you would open your wallet and take out the pics of your kids, well these are your kids, take out some stats and share them!? Ask your superintendent for a ?cheat sheet? of student achievements, graduation percents, student athlete teams, the scholarship monies earned.? Armed with these go public.? When someone asks you ?how are the kids? let them know!

I only recommend what I have done.? I have seen the faces and the reactions when good news spreads not only to the school community but also to the community at large. Give them something to feel good about, brag a little once in awhile.?

PHOTO CAPTION: Becky Albright hosting her show ?Your Public Schools? with guests (LtoR) Orleans/Niagara BOCES Building Trades teachers Jake Daniels, Matt Anastasi and Anthony Molinaro.? To watch the interview you can go to www.onboces.org and under Career and Tech Ed go to the Building Trades website and find the links.?


Source: http://orleanscounty.wgrz.com/news/schools/67898-boces-board-president-becky-albright-talks-kids

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Martian polygons and deep-sea polygons on Earth: More evidence for ancient Martian oceans?

Martian polygons and deep-sea polygons on Earth: More evidence for ancient Martian oceans?

Monday, July 30, 2012

Debate over the origin of large-scale polygons (hundreds of meters to kilometers in diameter) on Mars remains active even after several decades of detailed observations. Similarity in geometric patterns on Mars and Earth has long captured the imagination. In this new articlefrom GSA Today, geologists at The University of Texas at Austin examine these large-scale polygons and compare them to similar features on Earth's seafloor, which they believe may have formed via similar processes.

Understanding these processes may in turn fuel support for the idea of ancient oceans on Mars.

Through examination of THEMIS, MOLA, Viking, and Mariner data and images, planetary scientists have found that areas on the northern plains of Mars are divided into large polygon-shaped portions and that sets of these polygons span extensive areas of the Martian surface. Smaller polygon-shaped bodies are found elsewhere on Mars, but these are best explained by thermal contraction processes similar to those in terrestrial permafrost environments and not likely to form larger polygons.

In the August 2012 issue of GSA Today, Lorena Moscardelli and her colleagues from The University of Texas at Austin present a detailed comparison of the geometric features of these large Martian polygons and similar features found in deep-sea sediments here on Earth. Moscardelli and colleagues note striking similarities.

On Earth, polygon-shaped areas, with the edges formed by faults, are common in fine-grained deep-sea sediments. Some of the best examples of these polygon-fault areas are found in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea. These are imaged using detailed, 3-D seismic surveys conducted to search for offshore oil and gas deposits. Images reproduced in this paper show that these deep-water polygons are also 1,000 meters or greater in diameter.

While the details of deep-sea polygon formation on Earth are complex, Moscardelli and her colleagues conclude that the majority of these polygons form in a common environment: sediments made up of fine-grained clays in ocean basins that are deeper than 500 meters, and when these sediments are only shallowly buried by younger sediments. A key observation -- also made recently by Michelle Cooke at the University of Massachusetts -- is that the physical mechanism of polygon formation requires a thick, wet, and mechanically weak layer of sediment.

Moscardelli and colleagues also conclude that the slope angle of the sea floor plays an important role in both the formation and preservation of these polygons. Where the seafloor slope is very gentle (slopes less than half a degree), the polygons have very regular shapes and sizes. In many locations where polygons have formed on top of buried topographic features on the seafloor, the shapes of the polygons were altered, and in some cases were broken up and disrupted where the slopes were steepest. Both observations are consistent with deformation of the soft marine sediments as they creep or flow downslope in these areas.

In the northern plains of Mars, where the surface is basically flat, the polygons have very regular shapes and sizes -- remarkably similar to the deep-sea polygons found on Earth. In places where the topography on Mars is more varied, and where there may be evidence for other sediment-transport features on the surface, areas of deformed and disrupted polygons can be found -- again similar to the disrupted polygons here on Earth.

On the basis of these striking similarities, the University of Texas at Austin team concludes that these features most likely share a common origin and were formed by similar mechanisms in a similar environment. The team argues that the Martian polygons were formed within a thick, wet, and weak layer of fine-grained sediments that were deposited in a deep-water setting, similar to the Earth polygons. Thus, these interesting geometric features may provide additional evidence for the existence of an ocean in the northern portion of Mars approximately three billion years ago.


Deep-water polygonal fault systems as terrestrial analogs for large-scale Martian polygonal terrains Lorena Moscardelli, Tim Dooley, Dallas Dunlap, Martin Jackson, and Lesli Wood, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78713-8924, USA. Pages 1-9; doi: 10.1130/GSATG147A.1, www.geosociety.org/gsatoday/archive/22/8/.

Geological Society of America: http://www.geosociety.org

Thanks to Geological Society of America for this article.

This press release was posted to serve as a topic for discussion. Please comment below. We try our best to only post press releases that are associated with peer reviewed scientific literature. Critical discussions of the research are appreciated. If you need help finding a link to the original article, please contact us on twitter or via e-mail.

This press release has been viewed 33 time(s).

Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122124/Martian_polygons_and_deep_sea_polygons_on_Earth__More_evidence_for_ancient_Martian_oceans_

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Police: Family In Gloucester County, New Jersey Targeted By Two ...

By Mike Dougherty, Robin Rieger

GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP, Nj. (CBS) ? A Gloucester Township, New Jersey family was apparently targeted by two men in a home invasion robbery on Saturday night.

According to police, the suspects gagged and bound a female victim when she walked into her Jefferson Drive home in Laurel Springs shortly after 9 p.m. and found them searching for cash or jewelry. Police say they didn?t leave empty handed when told there was nothing there.

?The suspects stole the wedding ring and engagement ring of the woman they had bound up and they fled from the residence,? says Deputy Police Chief David Harkins.

Harkins says the suspects knew who they were robbing.

?They gave indications that they did know that they were employees or connected to a jewelry store. So that leads us to believe that they were targeting these people specifically.?

Harkins says the woman?s husband came home a short time later to find her tied up. Fortunately, she wasn?t hurt.

The two suspects are described as black males wearing black ski masks and dark clothing. One of the males was between 5-10 and 5-11 and
spoke with a Jamaican accent, however the accent may have been a ruse.

Anyone with information on who might be responsible is asked to call police.

Source: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/07/29/police-south-jersey-family-targeted-in-home-invasion-robbery/

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Womens health Mental health Board fires Boss scrambles in order to ...

July 28, 2012 through rose Hoban In Featured, Medicaid, emotional health, condition health policy along with 0 Comments

Western Highlands community ended up being the very first with the state&s mental well being local management entities in order to transform to The new managed care design, piloted via Piedmont Behavioral health. Nevertheless the switchover has been troubled from the start.

A Table with directors regarding Western Highlands system voted today in order to fire a organization a s Key executive officer After learning which he knew of a 3 Mil deficit regarding the organization however, failed in order to notify a Panel people just before ownership of a brand new budget.

Former Western Highlands Boss Arthur Carder Jr. ended up being fired After his / her Panel discovered the company had been dropping 50 percent some sort of Mil dollars a month. Carder is only demonstrated the following addressing his Panel previously this year. photograph credit rating Lydia Wilson

A motion came after having a two-hour fact-gathering program of the Board, accompanied by a briefer sealed program. Once the Panel returned in order to open public treatment, it declared it wore voted unanimously to right away terminate Top dog Arthur Carder Jr.

A Panel appointed Charles Schoenheit, Chief running officer for WHN, to serve as interim Top dog while looking starts to exchange Carder.

Sharon Lentz, Key economic officer, explained she didnt notice the economic deficit before First week In Summer 2012, even though WHN was running as a managed-care organization since Jan Under the brand new 1915 (b)(c) Medicaid Waiver plan authorized by North Carolina legislators.

A I stated, a Whoa, we a re Within trouble , a a Lentz told the Board. however, she wore not necessarily previously shared the womans Worries using the Board, some undeniable fact that failed to set nicely with Board members, numerous of which function as county managers for the Eight counties offered by WHN.

Mandy stone, assistant county manager and movie director with social services regarding Buncombe County, portrayed one of the most frustration from being blindsided by your budget shortfall.

A I e-mailed You may Thirty in order to inquire about a finances and also you said, a We a re fine , a a stone stated to Lentz. a I achieved with you Summer 11 and you assured myself things are alright. I must say i don a t understand. numerous occasions I a ve questioned concerning this. It a s shocking to see some thing within the mass media opposite of exactly what I a ve already been explained to. a

Lentz told rock the lady desired to gather everything she required to be certain how the organization had been running in the reddish prior to a crying wolf. a

Marsha diamond ring, WHN a s director of medical operations, outlined 3 aspects that contributed towards the financial shortfall a good encumbrance along with contractual responsibilities inherited out of former managed-care agencies Worth options and Crossroads; raises In the price for a few services; and also the lengthy duration with Some companies meant to be short-term Inside conjunction with program stacking (adding more than one plan to some treatment).

Carder stated He or she knew which there have been issues, like the service stacking, however, stated the focus had been On running promises plus paying employees.

A I communicated that the most effective I could, when I could , a Carder explained to the Panel members. a I also needed to have a arrange for corrective actions. a

Other Table associates explained these people felt blindsided plus should have recently been explained to in regards to the economic problems the moment Carder plus Lentz were alert to them.

Transylvania County director Artie Wilson said that individuals In additional regions of their state and even in some other declares understood about the shortfall prior to the WHN Board had been informed.

Most of N. Carolina&s emotional well being nearby supervision entities may change to the product used by Western Highlands via Jan, 2013. image courtesy nC DHHS

Within Mid 2001, its northern border Carolina normal assembly handed a mental health process Reform work, which required nearby jurisdictions to distinct a administration of mental-health services from other shipping and delivery of those providers. when which reform effort failed, a 1915 (b)(c) Medicaid Waiver system was picked by the In. d. section with health insurance and human being Services a division of Health-related assistance as an easy way to control and much more accurately spending budget for your rising costs with Medicaid-funded services.

This past year, a legislature passed some law reqiring just about all local mental-health offices in order to convert to managed-care agencies through The month of january 2013, copying something began Within the state In 2006 through Piedmont Behavioral health. PBH can be a managed behavioral-healthcare organization serving a citizens with Alamance, Cabarrus, Caswell, Chatham, Davidson, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, lemon, individual, Rowan, Stanly, partnership, Vance plus Warren areas.

As managed-care agencies, every neighborhood business office emerges some sort of arranged amount of Medicaid plus express Money to treat Individuals. should they invest an excessive amount of, they need to protect the expenses.

WHN was the initial regional office to change Within The month of january, effortlessly 14 neighborhood offices being managed-care agencies through The month of january 2013.

One of the issues, Carder said, would be that the lump-sum payment Western Highlands acquired to tend Patients was based on outdated information out of Last year which failed to see into account improved costs Within This year and 2011.

WHN a which gives mental-health, substance-abuse and also developmental-disability services Within Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Transylvania plus Yancey counties a is only dealing with the N. d. department with health insurance and individual Services a division of Healthcare help On an idea of modification. that record ought to be completed and introduced towards the Board through Aug. A single.

A department with Healthcare assistance asked the Mercer health & advantages consulting firm to perform some sort of monetary report on WHN, that was finished July A dozen.

Paul Watson, express Medicaid director, declared in the viewpoint WHN a s issues may be attributed to supervision and also accountability problems, and that a maybe what a s Even More valuable is having the proper details. a

A Once the Jan claims were paid, you need to have had a complex information you necessary to be a taking care of organization , a This individual told a Board. a That a s what we shown interest in carry out. you must have the abilities and the information to do that. Once you get via all the jargon, it a s good sense plus decent company practices. a

Steve Owen, Chief company operating officer for that division with Health-related assistance, was also current in the meeting.

Schoenheit discussed A few options for recouping a number of the losses and reversing a downward craze for that agency a s finances, including reworking claims to potentially recoup 1. Five million; Making deadlines for distributing claims mandatory; offering adequate assets to recoup Money from overpaid providers; and enforcing rules and limits regarding providers that bring about support stacking.

Panel member Minnie Jones questioned Owen if youll be able to conquer the shortfall and turn into a lucrative organization.

Marked Buncombe County, division of Medical help, Medicaid waiver, Mercer, nC DHHS, Western Highlands

Source: http://www.health-care-health.co.cc/womens-health-mental-health-board-fires-boss-scrambles-in-order-to-address-investment-shortfall/

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GINSMS Inc.: Performance Highlights for the Three and Twelve ...

CALGARY, ALBERTA ? (Marketwire) ? 07/27/12 ? GINSMS Inc. (?GINSMS? or the ?Company?) (TSX VENTURE: GOK) has announced its financial results for the fourth quarter and year ended March 31, 2012 and a change in the Share Purchase Agreement related to its planned acquisition of Inphosoft Group Pte Ltd.


  --  During the twelve-month period ended March 31, 2012, GINSMS incurred     substantially higher professional and consultancy fees resulting from     its planned acquisition of Inphosoft Group Pte Ltd, a Singapore IT     mobile middleware solutions developer for mobile network operators     ("MNOs"), financial institutions, media companies and enterprises, for a     total consideration of $11.6 million, which has now been reduced to     $11.3 million (see below) This increase in professional and consultancy     fees combined with lower revenue affected EBITDA for the quarter ended     March 31, 2012 which dropped by $291,671 compared to a negative $325,987     during the corresponding quarter the previous year. For the twelve-month     period, EBITDA was a negative $345,348, compared to a positive EBITDA of     $15,847 for the corresponding period the previous year. --  Volume of inter-SMS traffic for the three-month period ended March 31,     2012 was down by 25.8% to 28.2 million from the same period the previous     year. When compared to the previous quarter ended December 30, 2011,     traffic is down by 11.4%. GINSMS believes that this downward trend in     SMS traffic is partly caused by cellphone users migrating to mobile     instant messaging ("MIM") applications such as Research in Motion's     BlackBerry Messenger ("BBM"), Apple's Imessage or other cross-platform     mobile messaging applications such as WhatsApp. This migration enables     smart phone users to send MIM using device data channel or WI-FI. --  Gross margin improved slightly during the fourth quarter to 55.0% from     50.5% during the corresponding quarter the previous due principally to     savings from the disposal of the K-Matrix platform. For the twelve-month     period, gross margin improved from 55.8% during the corresponding period     the previous year to 60.9%. --  As a result of the expenses incurred for the acquisition of Inphosoft,     liquidity weakened with a working capital of $614,907 as at March 31,     2012, compared to $957,343 as at March 31, 2011. The working capital     ratio declined from 12.3 times at year-end to 5.1 times respectively.  


  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                        Three-month                                       period ended              Year ended                                          March 31,               March 31, Financial Highlights                   (Unaudited)               (Audited) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    2012        2011        2012        2011 Revenues $                     158,652     179,542     686,934     785,615 Cost of sales $                (71,378)    (88,845)   (268,454)   (347,184) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross profit $                  87,274      90,967     418,480     438,431 Gross margin                      55.0%       50.5%       60.9%       55.8% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- EBITDA (1) $                  (325,987)    (34,316)   (345,348)     15,847 EBITDA margin                   (205.5)%       N/A       (50.3)%       2.0% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings $                (367,239)    (60,616)   (493,704)    (96,536) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net earnings margin             (231.5)%     (33.8)%     (71.9)%     (12.3)% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  (1)  EBITDA is a non-GAAP measure related to cash earnings and is defined      for these purposes as earnings before income taxes, depreciation and      amortization (share-based compensation included).  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                                 Consolidated    Consolidated    Consolidated                                        as at           as at           as at                               March 31, 2012  March 31, 2011   April 1, 2010                                 (Audited)(1)       (Audited)    (Audited)(2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets $                       883,952       1,256,568       1,652,884 Total liabilities $                  157,577         108,119         315,917 Shareholders' equity $               726,375       1,148,449       1,296,531 Net earnings (loss) per  share $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Basic                                 0.00            0.00            0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Diluted                               0.00            0.00            0.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  (1)  The figures reported above are based on the consolidated interim      financial statements of the Company which have been prepared in      accordance with international Financial Reporting. An explanation of      how the transition to IFRS has affected the reported financial      position, financial performance and cash flows of the Company is      provided in notes 15 of the financial statements.  (2)  The figures reported above are based on the Company's opening IFRS      statement of financial position at that date as required by the rules      for presentation of the interim financial statements under IFRS for the      first time. There were no adjustments to the financial position of the      Company under IFRS as compared to under Canadian GAAP except for the      Accumulated Comprehensive Loss which was charged to Retained Earnings.      Under IFRS 1, the Company is allowed an option exemption to deem the      cumulative translation differences for all foreign operations to be      deemed $nil at the date of transition to IFRS, with future gains or      losses on subsequent disposal of any foreign operations to exclude      translation differences arising from periods prior to the date of      transition to IFRS. The Accumulated Comprehensive Loss as at March 31,      2010 amounted to $165,732.  

Financial Review for the Three- and Twelve-Month Period ended March 31, 2012

The table below outlines the changes in the major categories:

  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                           Three month  Three month Twelve month Twelve month                                period       period       period       period                             March 31,    March 31,    March 31,    March 31,                                  2012         2011         2012         2011                                     $            $            $            $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selling, General & Admin      413,261      125,013      763,828      422,584 Amortization                   26,148       25,509      103,077      105,906 Net Earnings (loss) per  share   Basic                         (0.01)       (0.00)       (0.01)        0.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------   Diluted                       (0.01)       (0.00)       (0.01)        0.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Revenue for the third quarter ending March 31, 2012 was $158,652, representing a reduction of 11.6% over revenue of $179,542 reported during the same three-month period the previous year. The reduction in revenue is due essentially to a 25.1% drop in SMS traffic during the quarter, compared to the corresponding quarter the previous year. As noted above, GINSMS believes that the lower trend in SMS traffic is partly caused by cellphone users migrating to MIM applications such as Research in Motion?s BBM, Apple?s Imessage or other cross-platform mobile messaging applications such as WhatsApp, IM+, Skype or Google Talk. Given that most smart phone users now have inclusive data plans they can forward their MIM at a fraction of the cost required to send an SMS. In addition, Hong Kong MNOs have been upgrading in the last two years their networks from 2G to 3G causing network down time and interruptions. Finally, aggressive relay fee promotions adopted by GINSMS? competitors added downward pressure on SMS traffic volume.

Management anticipated this downward trend in SMS traffic and took steps to encourage SMS usage through, in part, the implementation of a new pricing structure and the introduction of bundled fees. GINSMS? management also believed that the addition of VAS to its service offering would create new revenue streams and stimulate growth. To this end, GINSMS initially decided in 2010 to acquire an e-mail marketing platform called K-Matrix eM developed by K-Matrix Group, a Hong Kong based developer of analytics tools and systems for gathering digital intelligence. This platform however eventually proved to be too onerous to implement and was later abandoned.

Following GINSMS? decision not to proceed with the acquisition of the K-Matrix marketing platform, GINSMS initiated discussions with Inphosoft Group Pte Ltd (?Inphosoft?), a Singapore IT mobile middleware solutions developer for MNOs, financial institutions, media companies and enterprises which provides innovative mobile data services and solutions. These discussions led on January 12, 2012 to a definitive agreement between the two parties whereby GINSMS will, subject to regulatory and exchange approval, acquire 100% of the shares of Inphosoft for a consideration of $11.6 million.

With the addition of Inphosoft, the Company will be able to immediately introduce a series of VAS that will enhance GINSMS? product offering and transform it into an innovative revenue-powering mobile service and solution provider. GINSMS expects that the acquisition will boost its revenue in Hong Kong and create renewed interest on its IOSMS platform. The acquisition of Inphosoft will result in synergies and immediate cost savings as Inphosoft is expected to take over software maintenance work associated by the Company?s IOSMS platform.

  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparisons of Traffic (Inter-SMS) and Total Charges for Past Eight Quarters                              Q1/FY11      Q2/FY11      Q3/FY11      Q4/FY11 Traffic                   34,401,824   34,007,952   32,678,329   31,431,278 % increase                      -1.0%       -.1.0%        -.96%        -.96% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------                               Q1/FY12      Q2/FY12      Q3/FY12      Q4/FY12 Traffic                   33,701,750   34,371,080   28,232,252   25,013,562 % increase                       7.2%         1.9%        17.9%       -11.4% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  

Net income for the quarter dropped by more than 500% to $367,239. This is due to two main factors (i) a near five-fold increase in professional fees and (ii) a four-fold increase in consultancy fees. The length and complexity of the negotiations leading to the acquisition of Inphosoft and the requirements and conditions imposed by the securities regulation and the TSX Venture Exchange (?TSXV?) on GINSMS to complete the acquisition of Inphosoft have resulted in a substantial increase in the professional fees of GINSMS which jumped from $48,030 in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2011 to $258,439 during the fourth quarter of the current fiscal year. Also as a result of the contemplated acquisition and the need to obtain the services of an agent, namely Raymond James Ltd, and a business valuation firm, namely BDO Canada LLP, as required by the TSXV, consultancy fees also increased substantially, jumping from $21,233 in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2011 to $84,146 during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2012.

The increase in professional and consultancy fees accounted for 89.2% of the increase in the loss of $367,239 recorded in the fourth quarter this year. Also affecting results in the fourth quarter is a share-based compensation charge of $29,429. This larger-than-normal quarterly charge is the result of a resolution by the Board of Directors in January 2012 modifying the initial vesting period of the options granted to the directors of the company to make such options immediately vested and exercisable. Salaries and wages were up by 44.6%, the result principally of an increase in the workload due to the planned acquisition of Inphosoft, necessitating a temporary adjustment in compensation.

For the twelve month period ended March 31, 2012, revenue dropped by 12.6% to $686,934, compared to the corresponding period the previous year. The drop in revenue reflect the 4.3% decline in SMS traffic during the twelve-month period ended March 31, 2012, compared to the same period the previous year. As mentioned previously, GINSMS believes that this downward trend in SMS traffic is partly caused by cellphone users migrating to MIM applications.

Net losses for the twelve-month period this fiscal year were $493.704, an increase of 411% over the losses of $96,536 recorded during the corresponding quarter the previous year. Gross profit increased from 55.8% to 60.9% accompanied by a 22.7% drop in the cost of sales due in part to the cancellation of the purchase of the K-Matrix eM marketing platform which did not meet the Company?s expectations. The main reason for the increase in losses was the substantial increase in professional and consultancy fees incurred by the Company with respect to the acquisition of Inphosoft which increased by 164.2% to $460,182. Share-based compensation charge totalling $43,727 also negatively affected results more than usual as explained above.

EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) is a useful indicator in measuring the Company?s ability to sustain long term viable operations while resources are used to grow the Company in a difficult environment. EBITDA for the three-month period ended March 31, 2012 amounted to a negative $325,987, compared to a negative EBITDA of $34,316 for the corresponding period the previous year. For the twelve-month period also ended on March 31, 2012, EBITDA was a negative $345,348, compared to a positive $15,847 the previous year. The incidence on net earnings resulting from the substantial increase in both professional and consultancy fees is the main reason for the drop in EBITDA for both periods.

On July 24, 2012, as agreed between the parties, the Share Purchase Agreement has been amended to reflect a reduction in the purchase price of $300,000 for an aggregate consideration of $11.3 million. In the previous Share Purchase Agreement, the cash portion of the transaction was set at $1.1 million, $700,000 payable upon the closing of the transaction and $400,000 within a period of 30 days, failing which this amount would be converted into a non-bearing promissory note. With this amendment, both parties also agreed to reduce the cash portion immediately payable upon the closing of the transaction to $400,000. The payment date of the remaining $400,000 has been extended until after the first anniversary of the transaction closing date. The rest of the Share Purchase Agreement which includes the issuance of non-interest bearing convertible debentures for an aggregate principal amount of $10.5 million does not change and remains binding upon the parties.

Forward-Looking Information

Certain information included in this press release may constitute forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements generally can be identified by the use of terms such as ?may?, ?could?, ?will?, ?expect?, ?intend?, ?estimate?, ?anticipate?, ?believe? or ?continue? or the negative thereof or variations thereon or similar terminology. Forward-looking statements, by their very nature, involve significant risks, uncertainties and assumptions. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, the risks factors discussed in the section entitled ?Risk Factors? in GINSMS?s long form prospectus dated November 12, 2009 which is available under GINSMS?s profile on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. Although the forward-looking statements contained herein are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, GINSMS cannot assure the reader that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These assumptions are further described in GINSMS?s management discussion & analysis for the three and twelve-month periods ended March 31, 2011, which is also available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. These forward looking statements are made as of the date hereof and GINSMS assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances except as may be required by law. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements.


GINSMS owns 100% of Global Edge Technology, a technology company focused on providing inter-operator short messaging services to mobile telecom operators in Hong Kong. GINSMS?s stated business objective to become a leading short messaging service (?SMS?) and data hubbing service provider to mobile network operators in Hong Kong and China and to establish an international SMS and value added services business.

Raymond Richard
Corporate Secretary

Source: http://www.nearshorejournal.com/2012/07/ginsms-inc-performance-highlights-for-the-three-and-twelve-months-ended-march-31-2012/

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Gunmen kill five Iraqi women from same family

Gunmen shot dead a women, her three daughters and her daughter-in-law in the Iraqi city of Samarra on Saturday evening, security and medical officials said.

The women were killed at a house in Al-Shuhada area of Samarra, north of Baghdad, after iftar, the meal in which Muslims end their daily fast during the holy month of Ramadan, a police lieutenant colonel said.

The source said the gunmen were targeting the older woman's husband, Hamid Majid, who is the director of a school in Samarra, but that he was not there at the time.

A medical source at Samarra hospital said it had received the bodies of five women who had been shot dead.

The latest violence comes after Iraq suffered a spike in unrest in June, when at least 282 people were killed, according to an AFP tally based on figures supplied by officials and medics.

Violence in Iraq has declined sharply from its peak in 2006 and 2007, but attacks remain common.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/gunmen-kill-five-iraqi-women-same-family-193719670.html

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Friday, July 27, 2012

No LOL matter: Tween texting may lead to poor grammar skills

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Text messaging may offer tweens a quick way to send notes to friends and family, but it could lead to declining language and grammar skills, according to researchers.

Tweens who frequently use language adaptations -- techspeak -- when they text performed poorly on a grammar test, said Drew Cingel, a former undergraduate student in communications, Penn State, and currently a doctoral candidate in media, technology and society, Northwestern University.

When tweens write in techspeak, they often use shortcuts, such as homophones, omissions of non-essential letters and initials, to quickly and efficiently compose a text message.

"They may use a homophone, such as gr8 for great, or an initial, like, LOL for laugh out loud," said Cingel. "An example of an omission that tweens use when texting is spelling the word would, w-u-d."

Cingel, who worked with S. Shyam Sundar, Distinguished Professor of Communications and co-director of the Penn State's Media Effects Research Laboratory, said the use of these shortcuts may hinder a tween's ability to switch between techspeak and the normal rules of grammar.

Cingel gave middle school students in a central Pennsylvania school district a grammar assessment test. The researchers reviewed the test, which was based on a ninth-grade grammar review, to ensure that all the students in the study had been taught the concepts.

The researchers, who report their findings in the current issue of New Media & Society, then passed out a survey that asked students to detail their texting habits, such as how many texts they send and receive, as well as their opinion on the importance of texting. The researchers also asked participants to note the number of adaptations in their last three sent and received text messages. Of the 542 surveys distributed, students completed and returned 228, or 42.1 percent.

"Overall, there is evidence of a decline in grammar scores based on the number of adaptations in sent text messages, controlling for age and grade," Cingel said.

Not only did frequent texting negatively predict the test results, but both sending and receiving text adaptations were associated with how poorly they performed on the test, according to Sundar.

"In other words, if you send your kid a lot of texts with word adaptations, then he or she will probably imitate it," Sundar said. "These adaptations could affect their off-line language skills that are important to language development and grammar skills, as well."

Typical punctuation and sentence structure shortcuts that tweens use during texting, such as avoiding capital letters and not using periods at the end of sentences, did not seem to affect their ability to use correct capitalization and punctuation on the tests, according to Sundar.

The researchers suggested that the tweens' natural desire to imitate friends and family, as well as their inability to switch back to proper grammar, may combine to influence the poor grammar choices they make in more formal writing.

Sundar said that the technology itself influences the use of language short cuts. Tweens typically compose their messages on mobile devices, like phones, that have small screens and keyboards.

"There is no question that technology is allowing more self-expression, as well as different forms of expression," said Sundar. "Cultures built around new technology can also lead to compromises of expression and these restrictions can become the norm."

Cingel, who started the study as a student in the Shreyer Honors College at Penn State, said the idea to investigate the effect of texting on grammar skills began after receiving texts from his young nieces.

"I received text messages from my two younger nieces that, for me, were incomprehensible," Cingel said. "I had to call them and ask them, 'what are you trying to tell me.' "



Penn State: http://live.psu.edu

Thanks to Penn State for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/122074/No_LOL_matter__Tween_texting_may_lead_to_poor_grammar_skills

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Google Chrome 20

Twenty. That's how many versions of Google's Web-changing browser have appeared to date. But the law of diminishing returns has been in strong evidence with the last few revs, and many of the new features in them have been designed merely to get you to use Google's services more.? In fact, commenters on Google's blog about Chrome releases were mystified about what was new in 20, aside from bug and security fixes. And, indeed, Chrome 20 is mostly about fixing existing features?over 6,000 updates in all?but many of the updates add support for Windows 8. Speaking of Windows, Chrome is also available for Mac and Linux, but this review focuses on the Windows version.

No matter, it's still the most capable Web browser, thanks to blazing speed, and ground-breaking features and technology support.? Hurtling it over the crowd are unique features like Chrome Instant, built-in Flash and PDF display, leading Web standards support, and a minimalist application window that lets Web pages shine unimpeded. The competition?Firefox 9 (Free, 4 stars), Internet Explorer 9 (Free, 4 stars), Safari 5.1 (Free, 4 stars), and Opera 11.60 (Free, 4 stars)?still struggles to equal Chrome's Spartan user interface, speedy operation, and emerging standards support.

Chrome's speed is boosted by hardware acceleration, the use of your PC's graphics processor to speed up operations, a first introduced by IE9. To this Chrome's adds support for 3D WebGL graphics that even works on older computers, such as those running Windows XP?something IE9 can't boast. Chrome is also the fastest browser to start up, as my testing shows.

But speed involves more than pure performance. Speed also comes with new standards support, in Chrome's case, for Google's SPDY initiative, which rewrites the basic transport protocol of the Web?HTTP. SPDY eliminates redundant interactions and compresses some sent data to speed up browsing. Only sites that support the standard, like some of Google's own, will benefit from the speedup, however.

Another speeder-upper comes in the form of Chrome's many "instant" features. First, there was Google Instant, by which Web search results start appearing as soon as you start typing in the Google search box. Then came Instant Pages, in which Chrome tries to guess which link you're likely to click on next, and preload that page in the background. Another "instant" feature, pre-loads the first-proposed autocomplete site in the background when you start typing in the browser's address bar, so that it springs into view instantly when you click on the auto suggestion's entry.

As it increases in popularity, Google Chrome is becoming more and more a conduit for Google's Web services, and the services themselves in turn are being honed for Chrome. The browser's new tab page is tweaked to give more prominence to the Chrome Web app store.

Chrome boasts all the Web browser tools we've come to expect: bookmark syncing, a built-in PDF reader, and extensions. The browser's fine design, compatibility, and especially the speed have impressed the Web community enough to make Chrome the fastest growing browser in terms of market share. On this measure, it's got anywhere from 19 to 34 percent, depending on whose numbers you believe. Let's take a look at what makes this browser so special.

Swift Setup
Even the setup process shows Chrome's commitment to speed: Just click the Install button on the Chrome Web page, and you'll have the browser up and running in less than a minute, with no wizard to go through and no system restart. The browser's available for Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows. It also updates itself automatically in the background.

Starting with version 17, a change in the first-run appearance of the browser occurred. You still saw a generous dialog box giving you the option to use Bing, Google, or Yahoo as your search engine, but the first view of the browser window asks you to sign into a Google account. This doesn?t change the behavior of the browser, but it does show Google?s increasingly solipsistic view of the Web, and raises concerns about browser tracking. On the plus side, it does give you the benefit of being able to sync your different browser settings and bookmarks on different computers (more on this later).

Chrome Instant Pages
Not to be confused with Chrome Instant (see below) or Google Instant (which works on all browser to load Google search results as you type), Chrome Instant Pages requires both Chrome and a site that supports the feature. Of the latter, there is now just one important one: Google Search. The idea is that when you perform a search in Google, the browser will pre-load the page for the result link you're most likely to click on.

In several tests on a slower Wi-Fi connection, however, I only noticed an occasional improvement for simple pages. It seemed only to work for the first result link. Heavy multimedia sites still took their time to load. On a very fast wired connection, some page result were extremely fast, but in that case, you don't really benefit from pre-loading. I saw a definitely faster load for grainger.com than in Opera on the same connection. The idea makes a lot of sense though, particularly for multipage articles, where it's most likely that the next link you'll hit is the one labeled "Next."

The only drawback: If the site guesses your next click wrong, page load could be slower than without Instant Pages, and you'll have wasted bandwidth loading a page you never visited. But this is a technique that's been done using JavaScript or HTML and CSS for years, so I'm not sure why we need a browser-specific solution to preloading pages, but Instant Pages does have the ability to load outside sites, rather than just pages of your own. If you don't like the idea of your browser loading pages before you click on a link, you can turn off the feature in the Under the Hood section of Options (accessible from the wrench icon), and uncheck "Predict network actions to improve page load performance."

Built-in Flash and PDF Support
Chrome is the only browser to come with Adobe Flash built in, rather than requiring a separate (and annoying) installation. And not having to perform the frequent required updates of the Flash plugin separately is another boon?it updates automatically with the browser. With version 10, many of the security issues with Flash (famously bemoaned by Apple's Steve Jobs) went away, thanks to running the plugin in an isolated sandbox so that it doesn't have access to critical system areas.

Chrome boasts a PDF reader as well, so you don't have to worry about installing any Adobe plugins for viewing specialized Web content. When you load a PDF, an intuitive toolbar shows when your mouse cursor is in the southeast vicinity of the browser window. From this, you can have the document fill the width of the window, show a full page, or zoom in and out. By default, you can select text for cutting and pasting, but I couldn't copy and paste images. You can print the PDF as you would any Web page.

Chrome's PDF viewer not only does what its name implies, but also serves as a print preview feature. Unlike IE's print preview, Chrome's shows up in a tab rather than its own window. But you have to go through it to print: In IE, I can just click the printer icon to send a page to the printer if I don't want to fuss with settings. I could choose between color and B&W, portrait and landscape, and choose the target printer, or print to PDF.

An Advanced button got me into the printer's own settings dialog, but this dismissed the print preview, making me have to choose Print from the menu again. But Chrome didn't let me choose a zoom percentage for the printout as Firefox and IE did, nor did it let me turn page headers on and off or choose margin sizes in a Page Setup dialog as those two did. So Chrome's print preview is a decent start, but it's still a bit behind the competition.

Minimalism has been a hallmark of Chrome since its first beta release. Tabs are above everything, and the only row below them holds the combined search/address bar, or "Omnibox." Here you can type any part of an address or page title, and the most likely site candidates will be presented in a dropdown. Optionally you can display bookmark links in a row below this. And the control buttons on the top-right of the browser window have been reduced to the absolute minimum?just one.

Google has removed the Page icon and placed some of its functions under the wrench button. Some of the Page options have been combined into buttons on one line in the menu, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste. I like what Google's done with the Zoom choice on the menu, adding plus and minus buttons that save you from having to fly out another submenu.

Another theme in the Chrome interface is that everything looks like a Web page, displaying in the main browser window, rather than in separate dialog boxes. This includes the interfaces for History, Extensions, Bookmarks, and even Options.

Mac users haven't been overlooked in the interface department, either. The browser supports OS X Lion's full screen view, along with overlay scrollbars that only appear when you're scrolling. Other more minor characteristics of the OS X "Aqua" style give Chrome on the Mac a more Mac-y appearance.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ziffdavis/pcmag/~3/ifFBy9ZYPsM/0,2817,2373853,00.asp

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The many benefits of Gaining knowledge through Tutorial Golf Video ...

Thursday, July 26th, 2012. Author : rudimcdonald. 7 views.

A lot of individuals are interested in golf as being a recreational activity or as a sport. It is a wonderful way to get your muscles working whilst enjoying in the sunshine and bonding with your friends. If you?d like to bring your abilities to the next level, golf video lesson can be obtainable for your advantage.

Many folks, specifically those that haven?t tried out the game, think golf is only a very simple game. It might not be as sophisticated as basketball or soccer yet golf likewise requires constant practice and training to master the skill. The good news is, teaching aids help improve abilities in this particular type of sport. Golf lessons online have a lot of benefits for beginners and even for those who have been actively playing for quite some time.

Benefits of Instructional Golf Videos

Studies show two major categories of favored learning styles are visual and auditory. In easier words, most of the people choose to make use of their eyes and ears in order to learn new information. This normally depends upon how the brain functions. People who utilize both of them are generally known as ?balanced? listeners. Sixty-five percent of the populations are believed to be visual learners, while the rest are auditory or balanced learners.

This explains the reason why numerous individuals gain knowledge from visual experiences. Through the help of instructional videos, handling new info is considerably quicker. It also allows you to retain the information considerably longer. Videos also provide 2 to 3 times more amount of learning compared with other methods.

A golf video may also be the best option when you wish to bring down cost. Get low-priced instructional videos instead of a specialist trainer with a high hourly rate. You could pause and fast-forward the videos according to your level of skill and comprehension of the lessons. Videos also allow you to get back to a certain lesson. These characteristics are very beneficial when you want to learn complicated techniques along with difficult shots.

With the aid of technology, learning by means of videos is more effective. Many online golf lessons feature split screens, close-ups, slow motions, as well as graphics to tell you the best way to implement a skill. By doing this, you can efficiently find out how to grip, aim, and swing the club. In addition, you can see the small details you might have been missing like rhythm, timing, and balance. Visual learning is sometimes more interesting than reading through guides or listening to an expert.

You have to know how to choose the best videos. Your need has to be the very first concern here. Think of your weak points and also the strategies you want to learn. When you are a new comer to the sport, get a general video for beginners. After knowing your requirements, start doing a search online. It can let you see several choices. Whether you want free online lessons or those that are in DVD, you?ll find a long list of options.

Start seeking your resources. It is never too late to learn more about golf swing or some other aspect of the sport. Golf is a fun sport and studying this through videos makes it even more fun.

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Source: http://www.articlewebby.com/recreation-sports/the-many-benefits-of-gaining-knowledge-through-tutorial-golf-video/

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?Durang/Durang? Showcases the Quirky Comedies of Christopher ...

Durang web pic2 Durang/Durang Showcases the Quirky Comedies of Christopher Durang in Six Sassy One Act Plays

Raleigh, NC-based Bare Theatre will kick off its 2012-13 season with Durang/Durang, a provocative 1994 selection of six wild-and-crazy one-act plays by Christopher Durang, on July 19-22 in Burning Coal Theatre Company?s Murphey School Auditorium in Raleigh and on July 26-29 at Common Ground Theatre in Durham. Guest director Olivia Griego cautions, ?This show is for mature audiences only. There is a lot of adult material and content.?

According to Bare Theatre:

?Durang/Durang is divided into two parts: ?Theatre? and ?Everything Else.? In this collection, Durang manages to lovingly jab at a handful of playwrights including Tennessee Williams, Sam Shepard, John Pielmeier, and David Mamet. There are two direct parodies of other plays, bringing a lighter version of some of our beloved American classics.

?The first half contains ?Mrs. Sorken,? an introduction to theater by a woman who has forgotten her notes; ?Stye of the Eye,? a psychotic mash-up of Sam Shepard?s A Lie of the Mind, [John Pielmeier's] Agnes of God, and [David Mamet's] Glengarry Glen Ross; and ?For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls,? which twists The Glass Menagerie into a tale of gender-switched confusion.

?The second half turns to stories of melodrama, unfortunate houseguests, and terrible waiters. ?Nina in the Morning,? is an Edward Gorey-esque portrait of a woman with too many facelifts and taboo relationships with her children. ?Wanda?s Visit? is the story of a high-school flame who has flamed out ? and won?t leave. ?Business Lunch at the Russian Tea Room? concludes [Durang/Durang] with a satirical look at the gaping divide between writers and agents.?

Bare Theatre guest director Olivia Griego remembers, ?I first came across Christopher Durang in college while looking for a scene for a scene study class. I found Durang?s work [then], as I do now, irreverent and hilarious.?

She adds, ?I later took a directing class, and went straight for Durang?s work, directing ?Wanda?s Visit.? It was very well received, and I loved the way the actors brought the material to life.

?A couple of years ago, I started working with Bare Theatre; and at the beginning of the year, I was asked to participate as director for their evening of one acts,? Griego says. ?Immediately, I thought of Durang and settled on directing ?For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls,? Durang?s parody of The Glass Menagerie. It was a so fun to watch and to direct!

?Once the show closed,? Griego says, ?I started talking with Todd Buker, managing director of Bare Theatre, and Heather Strickland, artistic director of Bare Theatre, about the hilarity of the whole show; and it was decided that we would mount the full evening of Durang/Durang, and here we are!?

Olivia Griego confesses, ?The thing that I like best about Durang/Durang is the humor and parody of the material. No one is safe from being made fun of, and I think that is wonderfully fair. In addition, we have assembled a stellar group of actors that really understand the humor of the plays beautifully.?

She adds, ?I?ve seen a lot of serious theater lately, and I wanted to direct something with a lot of laughs that was a pleasure for everyone ? the actors, designers, crew and, of course, the audience. This is a show where everyone is having a good time, and audiences get that and have an easier time enjoying themselves.?

Griego explains, ?In Durang/Durang, the evening consists of one monologue and five short plays/vignettes. It ranges from theatrical parodies to screwball comedy to melodrama to a frightening slice-of-life.

?Our amazing ensemble (Jason Bailey, Jeff Buckner, Richard Butner, Todd Buker, Hilary Edwards, Lucinda Gainey, Olivia Griego, Whitney Griffin, Barbette Hunter, Andrew Martin, P.J. Maske, and Julie Oliver) play various roles throughout the evening. It?s sort of like the Olympics of theater,? claims Olivia Griego.

In addition to director and set designer Olivia Griego, the Bare Theatre creative team for Durang/Durang includes producers Todd Buker and Heather Strickland, lighting designer Michelle Wood, costume designer Suzy Hooker, wigs and makeup designer Mario Griego, properties manager Mollie Earls, sound designer Joseph ?Sloe? Slawinski, and stage manager Beth Roberts.

Olivia Griego says, ?Our major challenge [in staging Durang/Durang at two venues in different cities] is changing venues and having to rehearse six plays at one time. We have kept the set and lights simple for this reason.?

She adds, ?The set is a simple design made up of mostly chairs and few additional set pieces?. The lighting is also being done with a simplicity that makes it easy to move to different venues while also accentuating the play?.

?Some of the costumes are dated, while others are contemporary,? notes Olivia Griego. ?Our [costume] designer, Suzy [Hooker], wanted to make sure that each play had its own world that was distinct from the other plays in the evening.?

Director Olivia Griego says, ?I think it is important for the audience to know that this show is for enjoyment, to come and laugh ? at the characters, at the different worlds of the shows, and sometimes at themselves.?

Bare Theatre presents DURANG/DURANG at 8 p.m. July 19-21 and 2 p.m. July 22 in Burning Coal Theatre Company?s Murphey School Auditorium, 224 Polk St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604; and 8 p.m. July 26-28 and 2 p.m. July 29 at Common Ground Theatre, 4815B Hillsborough Rd., Durham, North Carolina 27705.

TICKETS: $17 ($10 students, seniors, and active-duty military personnel).

BOX OFFICE: 919-322-8425, boxoffice@baretheatre.org, or http://www.brownpapertickets.com/browse.html?formsubmitted=1&reset=1&secretkeywords=&keywords=durang/durang.

SHOW: http://www.baretheatre.org/durang.html.

VIDEO PREVIEW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKl7YTQkK0I&feature=youtu.be.

PRESENTER: http://www.baretheatre.org/.


Murphey School Auditorium: http://burningcoal.org/murphey-school-auditorium/ (directions: http://burningcoal.org/murphey-school-auditorium/).

Common Ground Theatre: http://www.cgtheatre.com/ (directions: http://www.cgtheatre.com/directions).


Durang/Durang: http://www.christopherdurang.com/FullDurangDurang.htm (official web page).

The Script: http://books.google.com/ (Google Books).

Christopher Durang: http://www.christopherdurang.com/ (official website) and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Durang (Wikipedia).

Olivia Griego: http://artistsresourceagency.com/html/female_talent___olivia_griego.html (Artists Resource Agency).


Robert W. McDowell is editor and publisher of Triangle Theater Review, a FREE weekly e-mail theatrical newsletter that provides more comprehensive, in-depth coverage of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill theater than all of the other news media combined. This preview is reprinted with permission from Triangle Theater Review.

To start your FREE subscription to this newsletter, e-mail RobertM748@aol.com and type SUBSCRIBE TTR in the Subject: line.

To read all of Robert W. McDowell?s Triangle Theater Review previews and reviews online at Triangle Arts & Entertainment, click http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/author/robert-w-mcdowell/.

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Tagged as: Bare Theatre, Burning Coal Theatre Company's Murphey School Auditorium, Christopher Durang, Common Ground Theatre, Durang/Durang, Murphey School Auditorium, Olivia Griego

Source: http://triangleartsandentertainment.org/2012/07/durangdurang-showcases-the-quirky-comedies-of-christopher-durang-in-six-one-act-plays/

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

MDPrevent & Consumer Reports Agree On The Need For ...

MDPrevent, a primary care medical practice focused on preventive medicine and wellness offers the full range of life-enhancing services desired and needed by patients.

Delray Beach, Florida (PRWEB) July 05, 2012

According to Consumer Reports on Health (CR), Immunizations, cancer screenings, lifestyle counseling, and other wellness measures can save lives. But your doctor may be falling short when it comes to making sure youre up to date on the services you need. CR cites a January 2012 study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine to support is conclusions.

CR is spot on. In 2011, Medicare implemented new coverage for Annual Wellness Visits (AWV) as part of a growing menu of preventive services. As with many other preventive services, the AWV requires no co-payment or deductible. Yet, in 2011, only 6% of patients received this service from doctors who performed it and many did not receive the proper service. Why? As CR writes, wellness gets squeezed because it doesnt pay for doctors to do it, for many doctors its awkward territory, and most doctors dont have the time. Wellness, according to CR, when even done, is typically not the focal point; rather, wellness gets squeezed into visits when people have a problem.

Working within Medicares guidelines for AWV, MDPrevent, a primary care, preventive medicine, and wellness center was launched to fully address the wellness needs of Americans. MDPrevents innovative medical practice combines in one location the expertise needed to provide the full spectrum of wellness services. With a team consisting of a physician, nurse practitioner, nutritionist/registered dietitian, health psychologist, fitness and yoga instructor, and health educator, MDPrevent can uniquely help patients enjoy life to the fullest, free of disease.

The MDPrevent model is sure to become the future of integrative medicine enabling patients to draw on the full expertise and guidance they need from their primary care office to avoid, delay, or mitigate chronic diseases and improve their current quality of life.

As one part of MDPrevents offerings, it custom developed the LEAN program, a medically supervised 12 week personalized lifestyle modification program that includes initial medical assessment, coupled with private consultations with a nutritionist/dietitian, psychologist, fitness and yoga instructor, and health educator, and rounded out with a final medical assessment. Patients then continue with private consultations as needed or join support group and educational group sessions. The program aims for slow, but steady and sustainable lifestyle modification and weight loss by focusing on healthy living and well-being. In addition, MDPrevent is also a Certified Diabetes Education Center catering to the nutritional and educational needs of diabetics.

MDPrevent was founded by Dr. Steven Charlap, a pioneering physician with an MD from New York University, an MBA from Harvard, and general surgery training. In 1989, he founded HealthDrive, which grew it to be the largest U.S. medical and dental practice serving the extended care industry. Over twenty years, HealthDrive cared for over 5 million seniors and Dr. Charlap witnessed first-hand what happens to people who dont take adequate care of their health, are institutionalized and become dependent on the kindness of strangers. According to Dr. Charlap, It is sad to see people end their lives in a nursing home. You realize that in such a setting relatively little can be done to improve health at that point. Even more frustrating was that one couldnt even try because Medicare and Medicaid basically shunned preventive services.

In 2010, after Dr. Charlap learned that Medicare was initiating coverage for wellness services that can positively impact peoples lives while saving Medicare money, he founded MDPrevent to create an innovative preventive medicine, primary care, and education center focused on providing community based services to help people change their lifestyles to avoid and mitigate chronic diseases. Dr. Charlap states, The scientific evidence shows that the longer you live, the healthier youve been. After extensive research and consultations with the experts in the field of primary prevention, an interdisciplinary dream team of Preventioneers was assembled.

Testimonials from patients include comments like, I finally have my head on straight or its changed my life. (See http://www.mymdprevent.com, Testimonials). According to Dr. Charlap, I see the smiles on peoples faces when they complete a session for the day. They feel empowered and for the first time in a long time, in control of their health and their weight. I know we are really on to something that can change the future of healthcare.

About MDPrevent

MDPrevent is a new concept in primary care that seamlessly integrates primary care, preventive medicine, and wellness. The healthcare practice helps Americans prevent problems before they happen, reduce healthcare costs, stay healthy, and enjoy a life well lived through free Annual Wellness Visits (paid 100% by Medicare and most major insurances) The Annual Wellness Visit includes a comprehensive health risk assessment, biometric measurements, review and analysis of prescription, supplement and vitamin use, nutrition review, and development of a five- to 10-year prevention plan.

MDPrevents Preventioneers, or Prevention Pioneers, include MDs, nurse practitioners, health psychologists, registered dietitians and nutritionists, fitness and yoga instructors, and health educators, offer private consultations and experiential group sessions, medically supervised weight loss (with no pills, injections or surgery ? paid 100% by most insurances if you qualify) and other classes on health, diet and nutrition, fitness and exercise, stress management, mindfulness, relationship and social network building, and other key elements of a healthy life. The goal: to improve life and smooth out the effects of aging by identifying, preventing, delaying or mitigating the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia and some forms of cancer. For more about Dr. Charlap, please read his blog at mdprevent.blogspot.com


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Source: http://www.pharmacy-news.co.uk/?p=10716

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Gun violence shifts to forefront of campaign

President Barack Obama addresses the National Urban League convention at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Wednesday, July 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Barack Obama addresses the National Urban League convention at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Wednesday, July 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

President Barack Obama waves as he arrives to speak at a fundraiser at The House of Blues in New Orleans, Wednesday, July 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

Aurora Police Chief Daniel Oates, center, looks at the memorial across from the movie theater, Wednesday, July 25, 2012 in Aurora, Colo. Twelve people were killed and over 50 wounded in a shooting attack early Friday at the packed theater during a showing of the Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises." (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

(AP) ? Days after the mass shootings in Colorado, guns shifted to the forefront of the presidential campaign as President Barack Obama and Republican candidate Mitt Romney engaged in their most extensive discussions on the issue since the tragedy.

Obama, in a speech to an African-American group Wednesday in New Orleans, embraced some degree of additional restrictions on guns. He acknowledged that not enough had been done to prevent weapons from getting into the hands of criminals and pledged to work with lawmakers from both parties to move forward on the matter.

Romney said in a television interview that changing the nation's laws would not prevent gun-related tragedies. But he mistakenly said many weapons used by the shooting suspect in Aurora, Colo., were obtained illegally, despite the fact that authorities allege that the firearms used to kill 12 people and injure dozens more were purchased legally.

"The illegality the governor is referencing is the ordinances, the devices that were in the home," said campaign spokesman Danny Diaz. "He was not referencing the weapons carried to the theater."

Obama, speaking to the National Urban League, called for stepped-up background checks for people who want to buy guns and restrictions to keep mentally unbalanced individuals from buying weapons. He said those steps "shouldn't be controversial."

Despite the Second Amendment's protection of gun rights, Obama said: "I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that an AK-47 belongs in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals ? that they belong on the battlefield of war, not on the streets of our cities."

Neither candidate strayed significantly Wednesday from previously held positions on gun violence. But their pointed comments revived a debate ? if perhaps only briefly ? that has steadily faded to the background in national politics and been virtually non-existent in the 2012 campaign.

The White House in particular has faced fresh questions since the shootings about whether Obama, a strong supporter of gun control as a senator from Illinois, would make an election-year push for stricter measures.

Following last year's killing of six people and the wounding of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona, Obama called for steps to "keep those irresponsible, law-breaking few from getting their hands on a gun in the first place." But he has advanced no legislative proposals since then.

The White House blames the lack of legislation in part on congressional opposition and says Obama has used his executive powers to strengthen some gun control measures.

It's been more than a decade since gun control advocates had a realistic hope of getting the type of legislation they seek, despite predictions that each shocking outburst of violence would lead to action.

In his remarks, Obama acknowledged a national pattern of calling for tougher gun restrictions in the wake of violent crimes but not following through.

"Too often, those efforts are defeated by politics and by lobbying and eventually by the pull of our collective attention elsewhere," he said.

Still, Obama is unlikely to make a robust push for new gun control legislation while mired in a deadlocked campaign centered squarely on the economy.

Romney was pressed on gun control during an interview with NBC News in London, where he is attending the Olympics and kicking off a three-country foreign trip. The presumptive Republican nominee said changing laws won't "make all bad things go away."

Romney was asked about his tenure as Massachusetts governor, when he signed a bill that banned some assault-style weapons like the type the Colorado shooter is alleged to have used. At the time, Romney described such guns as "instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people."

Asked if he stood by those comments, Romney mentioned the Massachusetts ban but said he didn't think current laws needed to change.

"I don't happen to believe that America needs new gun laws. A lot of what this ... young man did was clearly against the law. But the fact that it was against the law did not prevent it from happening," Romney said.

Authorities have said the suspected Colorado shooter, James Holmes, methodically stockpiled weapons and explosives at work and home in recent months. He bought thousands of rounds of ammunition and a shotgun, a semiautomatic rifle and two Glock pistols, authorities said.

On Friday, clad head to toe in combat gear, he allegedly burst into a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, tossed gas canisters into the crowd and opened fire.

The Colorado shootings also have brought fresh attention to the frequent incidents of gun violence that plague many American cities, including Obama's hometown of Chicago.

Obama addressed the nationwide troubles in front of the Urban League in part because blacks, who make up the bulk of the organization's membership, have been disproportionately affected by gun violence. While mass shootings like the one in Colorado receive widespread attention, Obama said roughly the same number of young people are killed in the U.S. by guns every day and a half.

"For every Columbine or Virginia Tech, there are dozens gunned down on the streets of Chicago and Atlanta, and here in New Orleans," he said. "For every Tucson or Aurora, there is daily heartbreak over young Americans shot in Milwaukee or Cleveland."

The president urged parents, neighbors and teachers to also play a role in helping to end gun violence among young people.


Follow Julie Pace at http://twitter.com/jpaceDC

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/89ae8247abe8493fae24405546e9a1aa/Article_2012-07-26-Presidential%20Campaign-Guns/id-33879c26fde34063a35a1de2e5fe30ef

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How to Massively Increase the Effectiveness of Email Marketing For ...

Today, building an email list of customers and potential customers is vital to the marketing efforts of almost every type of business. Building the list is only the first step though. If you want your email list to pay off in profits. If you want your email list to be effective, you need to make sure people want to open and read your emails.

Here are a few tips to help you get your emails opened and read.

1- Keep your emails on the correct subject.

One of the most damaging mistakes made by email marketers is letting the subject matter of the emails drift too far away from the subject matter the people signed up to receive. Each time your potential readers receive an email from you that isn?t about the subject they wanted to hear about, they are less likely to open your next email. If they signed up to receive coupons from your business, don?t send emails that don?t have some type of coupon. If they signed up to receive information on debt consolidation, include information on that subject in every email you send.

2 ? Keep your emails valuable and interesting.

Even when you are sending coupons and discount offers, include personal stories or interesting information to give them some other reason to want to read your email. Don?t make the emails seem like a long stream of marketing junk mail. Prove to your readers that you really do care about them and you have their best interests at heart. In addition, over time offer more special reports and other free items.

3 ? Keep the emails coming regularly and keep them easy to read.

This is another area where email marketers frequently get it wrong. They don?t want to bother the people on their list so they wait a long time between emails. Unfortunately, people forget about you when they don?t hear from you and end up sending your messages to their junk mail folders or choosing not to continue to receive your emails. Emailing infrequently is one of the fastest ways possible to get people to unsubscribe from your list. Contact your readers at least every week or more often if doing so makes sense. More frequent email gives you more opportunity to NOT include a sales message in every email. Another advantage of emailing frequently is that it allows you to keep the email shorter and more to the point. Even the people who want to hear from your business don?t want to have to spend 30 minutes reading your email. If you have a great deal to say or your subject matter is more complex, then cover the important points and link from your email to your website to give more detail. This increases traffic to your website and it also gives the more analytical readers a place to get more information without having to drive away those who don?t like to have to read a long essay.

Getting your potential customers to open and read your emails is directly related to how well you do at respecting them and honoring your relationship with them. A good relationship over time will lead to more sales and more customer referrals.

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Source: http://www.internetmarketingwebsites.com/how-to-massively-increase-the-effectiveness-of-email-marketing-for-your-business

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mix things up with these Android cocktail apps

So we?ve covered winemaking and homebrewing over the past few weeks, but if you love to simply mix up the liquor and other ingredients you have at home to create crazy cocktail concoctions, here are some helpful Android apps you can add to the mix.

You don?t want to start your road to cocktail creativity with sub-par liquor, so this is where Liquor Hub Lite (and its ad-free pro version for $0.99) come in. The apps offer both consumer and professional ratings on over 5,000 different spirits so you can avoid wasting money on something that?s going to taste gross (and mix worse). For convenience, the top 20 most-highly regarded vodkas, whiskies, tequilas, gins, rums and liqueurs are listed, and there?s a built-in barcode scanner so you can check up on the ?vital stats? of something you see in a store.

This handy free app (and its dedicated $2.95 tablet companion) offer a wide selection of drinks recipes complete with step-by-step instructions. Whether you?re a novice or a professional mixologist, Cocktail Flow has a number of useful features like being able to mark off which alcohol and ingredients you have at home so you can see what drinks you can make from them. There?s a smart shopping assistant, and you can browse recipes by event, occasion or base drink.

This is a great bartending and cocktail recipe app which is also available as an ad-free premium version for $1.49. There are over 7,900+ recipes here using 1,300+ ingredients, so it shouldn?t be too hard to find something you like. For convenience, all units are available in both Metric and Imperial format. You can store what ingredients and alcohol you have on hand, locate nearby liquor stores, learn bartending techniques, and even choose a random cocktail directly from the app if you?re feeling adventurous.

Download the Appolicious Android app

If you want to discover how the professional mixologists out there do things properly, Drinktini might be able to help. While there are thousands of recipes offered within the app, you can also easily tap into the local bar scene or find nearby liquor stores using your current location (or a zip code you specify). As a useful extra, the developers embedded a ?Call-a-Cab? feature so you can contact a designated driver if you find yourself a little worse for wear after a few cocktails at a nearby watering hole.

Formula Bartending Training is the definitive training resource for hospitality professionals, but it?s great for regular folks who just have a more serious approach to bartending. This useful app contains 50 instructional videos from spirits, coffee and bartending pros. Also, there are over 200 images and plenty of helpful step-by-step info. You?ll learn the seven basic formulas that can allow you to make almost any mixed drink via this indispensable resource for the budding bartender.

Finally, let?s change direction. How about a dedicated bartending game for those days when you only want a virtual drink? Bartender Mix Genius is an irreverent game for cocktail connoisseurs. You?re given a choice of 20 drinks and you must mix them and serve them to Miguel the bartender who will tell you exactly what he thinks of them. The more points you rack up, the more wines and liquors are unlocked.

Source: http://www.androidapps.com/shine/articles/12462-mix-things-up-with-these-android-cocktail-apps

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