Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Palliative Care Brings Us Back To The Basics Of Care

Palliative Care Brings Us Back To The Basics Of Care

Shahina Lakhani

Who is at the center of healthcare?

What does it mean to be at the center healthcare? Should the person with medical knowledge be the one who dictates care and ?the recipients have to follow what is planned without too many questions?

It is difficult to answer these questions until we define the meaning of care. The Webster dictionary gives a lot of different meanings for the word "care".

If we go beyond the words then perhaps it would be easier to understand more about what "care" is all about.

When you observe the behavior of a mother, whether human or in the wild, we begin to understand the meaning of care a little better. The role of a mother is to protect her child's wellbeing.

When caring for an infant a mother takes responsibility for its physical comfort, safety and growth. When the child grows she teaches the child life skills and then she has to mold her own behavior and actions further as the child begins to become more independent.

In other words, the child's wellbeing is the central focus and the mother is the one that supports the child to help meet his/her needs.

So the purpose of care is to help the one you are taking care of meet their goals while providing your support and expertise.

Let us translate this to healthcare. In healthcare, then, the purpose of a care is to support the client in meeting their needs and goals.?

We can only do this if we are actually aware of the needs and goals our clients have. From there we can offer suggestions, options available so on and so forth. But the patient remains at the center of this care.

Palliative care model brings us back to the the basics of what care is all about.

The central goal of palliative care is to provide care the way a person (and ?the family unit) needs and wants to be cared for. The interdisciplinary approach in palliative care is what helps us achieve this goal as holistically as possible.

Best of all, unlike the popular belief, opting for palliative care does not mean we have to forsake curative care.?Palliative care goes hand in hand with traditional curative care and brings to the table an art that has been mostly forgotten.

As a result, we are able to set our patients' wellbeing and quality of life as our primary ?goal rather than just treating the disease.?

Palliative care brings back the art of taking care of the patient as a whole human being rather than just a disease.


Yours in love, peace and gratitude

Shahina Lakhani

Shahina Lakhani RN MSN Author, Poet, Speaker, Expert Holistic Life Change Strategist. She advocates using holistic strategies in personal empowerment, care of the sick, the dying and their loved ones. Shahina Lakhani has been a nurse for more than 25 years. She has worked as an educator, Nurse Practitioner and a Hospice Nurse. Her passion is to empower people to Live Powerfully and experience Wellbeing until their last breath.


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Source: http://throughlifeanddeath.com/palliative-care-brings-basics-care?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=palliative-care-brings-basics-care

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Monday, February 27, 2012

3 Major Problems With Windows | Alenco Home Improvements

Spring is almost here and now is the time to start checking your windows for problems that could have occurred over the winter months. For the past few years, I make it priority after every winter to evaluate the status of not only my windows but my whole house. This is a great way to?proactively?maintain? your home and help avoid?massive home improvement headaches in the future. Here is a 3 point checklist that you can use to asses your windows in your home:


1. Caulking- Check the caulking around the outside of your windows to see if it is beginning to crack or peel. Caulking is very important because it waterproofs the seams of your windows and prevents them from rotting . If caulking failure is caught early enough it is relatively easy and cheap to fix the problem.


2.?Wood Rot- This is a major problem with wood windows(obviously) as they come?in contact?with the elements over time. Wood rot usually starts to appear on the sill of the window where water has a?tendency to get into crack and seams. If you notice the decay of wood around windows you should call a window specialist to look at your them and see if it?s structurally?integrity has been effected. If not caught early enough, replacing your windows will be your only option.


3. Drafty- A drafty window can be a result of a ?few different problems such as: caulking failure, home settling, and even failure of the window. If you noticed a?drafty window over the winter months,?here are a few ways you can?evaluate?the problem. Started by checking to see if your windows open, close and lock properly, and then check to see when the window is closed completely if there is a gap between the window sill and the sash. If you have older windows, a draft could be a result of improper balancing.?Depending on situation buying new windows isn?t always the only option but you should have a window specialist asses the problem. If the problem is occur where the sash and sill meet, one option is buying weather stripping and adding to your window where needed. If your are having problems where the top and bottom sash meet you can add a second lock to properly keep each sash tight. If your attempt to fix the problem and still have issues with your window, you should consider buying replacement windows. A drafty window can take a chunk out of your wallet if left touched, so?don?t?leave this problem unfixed.

Source: http://alenconline.com/3-major-problems-with-windows/

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Omoigui-Okauru: Essential tax administrator
By Emeka Okoroanyanwu
Saturday February 25, 2012


Prior to her appointment to the chair of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) in 2004, Nigeria had no broad vision guiding tax policy and administration. What obtained were sundry processes and structures to formulate strategies for tax administration.

The structures and processes were mainly derived from common laws, directives from the supervising ministry of finance, tax treaties that Nigeria signed with other nations and international conventions and administrative processes that are haphazardly put in place.
This situation often gave rise to disagreements among federal, states and local governments and between revenue collection agencies. The disagreement often bordered on the nature, scope and fairness of tax revenue collections and its sharing by Federal Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC).

However, with the coming on board of Mrs. Ifueko Omoigui-Okauru, all these changed.

Omoigui-Okauru who came with high recommendations to the Chair of the Federal Board of Inland Revenue (FBIR) ? the organization that oversees the work of Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) ? which she also heads, initiated the boldest tax reforms Nigeria ever had and secured the now famous National Tax Policy.
With a first-class honours degree in Accounting and a Master of Science Degree in Management Science, a distinguished professional experience in accounting and management consulting, from world-class change management firms, she was expected, upon arrival, to drive the tax reforms that the then Olusegun Obasanjo administration was trying to get off the ground through her predecessor, another very resources technocrat, Mr Balama Manu.

Omoigui-Okauru?s destination points, as the first female Executive Chairman of the FIRS and Chairman of the Joint Tax Board (JTB), so also her persona were common knowledge. Everyone knew, for instance, that while the rest of the world depended on tax as the major source of income for national development, Nigeria continued to depend on oil which prices and production are volatile and unstable. Tax revenue continues to place a poor second behind oil earnings, what little tax was garnered also depended highly on one form of tax ? Petroleum Profits Tax ? that is tied to crude oil production.
In particular, petroleum profit tax consistently contributed over 70 percent of annual tax harvests in the FIRS. Value Added Tax (VAT) ? an indirect tax on Nigerian consumers follows this. This trend persisted since the reforms began.

The FIRS that Mrs. Omoigui-Okauru met in 2004 was indeed a troubled tax agency with so many problems working against effective tax administration.
Incidences of massive tax leakages and wide scale corruption were common, the outcome of alleged collusion between taxpayers and tax administrators.

Unfortunately, the system failed to prosecute corporate tax offenders, including those who owed assessed taxes for years and those who would not pay. Powerful -individuals, multinational corporations, international oil prospecting companies, and local business moguls also contributed to shrinking tax revenue by actively seeking and obtaining concessions, exemptions, and waivers from succeeding governments.
On assumption of office, Mrs. Omoigui-Okauru immediately set about the task of developing a strategy to deal with the problems and to rebrand FIRS for ?professionalism, integrity, and efficiency.?

Her objectives were to clarify the mission and goals as well as values and structure of the organization, stop leakages and corruption, secure funding to pull the agency out of the mainstream civil service pay structure and make it operationally autonomous and build the institution and its human resource. After securing her flanks, she quickly moved to prosecute tax offenders, expand the tax net, and limit the unbridled exemptions and waivers being granted by the executive. Her critical targets were to influence the adoption of a tax policy for Nigeria, amend the tax laws, and obtain greater autonomy and better funding for FIRS. She accomplished all these.
Omoigui-Okauru?s administration has so far spearheaded comprehensive tax reforms that span tax policy, legislation and administration. To date, she has facilitated; the approval of the National Tax Policy by both the Federal Executive Council and the National Economic Council, the drafting of a comprehensive legal framework and the passage of five Acts namely: FIRS (Establishment) Act 2007, Value Added Tax (Amendment) Act 2007, Companies Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2007, National Automotive Council (Amendment) Act 2007 and Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act 2011.

Three of the most recent major projects currently being undertaken include: re-launching of the self assessment approach to tax administration towards entrenching a more compliant tax system; the implementation of the Unique Tax Payer Identification Number project in collaboration with the State Revenue Authorities under the auspices of the Joint Tax Board, and the Integrated Tax Administration System (ITAS) Project to automate tax administration throughout the Service.

On her assumption of duty, the first place that felt her impact was the staff. In an attempt to unravel the causes of corruption in tax offices, she came to the conclusion that poverty and fear of the unknown, more than greed, drove the unethical issues. She saw that staff of the agency collected billions of naira for the government each year, but were poorly remunerated. Apart from pursuing funding and autonomy strategies, she set about reorganizing the organizational structure and internal control mechanism, training and persuading people to change their attitude. She equally set up a whistle-blower unit, which collected information anonymously to investigate wrongdoing. Security agencies were co-opted for this exercise.

Although she strictly and firmly implemented a zero-tolerance for corruption, she recognized that the staff needed financial motivation to drive the tax harvest. From the onset, she single-mindedly pursued the twin issues of funding autonomy and freeing the agency from core civil service structure. She then launched initiatives to make it easy for taxpayers to comply with tax payments without being coerced.
The FIRS that Ms Omoigui met on ground was an exclusive, opaque organization, where good corporate governance was held at bay. The organization had for sometime fended for itself by dutifully understating its earning potentials, and then over-shooting its assigned targets in order to earn annual bonus. At the same time, many of the field officers were accused of collaborating with taxpayers to promote under-assessments, ostensibly to derive benefits from their appreciative ?customers.?

Ms. Omoigui read the riot act on assumption of duty from day one. First, she initiated a new ethical code, which charges a tax officer to avoid tarnishing the image of the Service through dishonesty and impartiality in the interpretation of tax laws. Tax officers were warned to desist from colluding with taxpayers to defraud or reduce tax obligations, and to stoutly refuse gratification in any form. The Code also enjoins the tax official to be professional and diligent, and to educate and encourage taxpayers to pay promptly and correctly.
Impressed with the speed and passion with which she set about her task, the Federal Government, under President Obasanjo, came to her rescue by allowing the FIRS to keep four percent of non-oil taxes as cost of collection. In addition, the World Bank also committed $8 million to the reform efforts for the engagement of consultants.

There were clear cases of fraud, conversion, and diversions of tax revenue among big and multinational corporations. Government agencies were not left out of the fraud, engaging in large-scale non-remittance of tax arrears. There were unresolved issues of N4.16 billion from state governments, N2.3 billion from local governments, N14 billion from federal agencies, as well as $851 million and N1.2 billion petroleum profits tax that was owed to the agency. She went after the cheats.

For the rest of the good corporate citizens, she provided convenience, making it easy for them to pay. First, she abolished offices that were set up to service the different tax types, and in its place, installed integrated, one-stop offices from where a taxpayer would initiate and conclude all tax transactions. She opened the organization to the public, creating conducive tax environments, and inviting the public to forward feedback on how they were treated in tax offices. She also signed on to a nationwide enlightenment campaign that highlighted the virtues of paying taxes. She then isolated big corporate taxpayers to be serviced by a core group of officers while another department oversees the collection of small taxes.

Her final strategy to check leakages was to automate tax collection. The system, which took off in 2006, enabled taxpayers to walk into a bank and obtain instant electronic tickets for tax payments, while the FIRS desk and operation officers would have a single view of all taxpayers and all tax payments across the country from their desktop computers. Taxes paid in the banks are electronically captured and immediately swept into FIRS accounts at four pre-selected lead banks, and then to the Central Bank. This provides security for tax monies generated.

Her major task was to significantly improve tax contribution to total revenue while, at the same time, ensuring that she takes FIRS to the point where Nigeria can significantly count on annual harvests from non-oil taxes in the equation. She succeeded to a greater degree. By 2007, tax contributed 45 per cent of federal revenue, a record harvest. She started the trend by ensuring that at the end of 2004, the year that she succeeded Mr. Manu, the target had shot up to meet and surpass the N1 trillion mark.

FIRS collection under her leadership grew astronomically from slightly below N1.2 trillion (about $7.9bn) when she came to office to over N4.2 trillion (over $28bn) in 2011 (almost four times the collection figure of 2004).
This excellent and record performance in addition to the reforms introduced have placed FIRS in an enviable position and earned the Service excellent recognition by way of several corporate awards.
In her personal capacity, she has received numerous awards amongst which are, Member Of the Order of Niger (MON), Member of the Federal Republic (MFR), the Zik Prize Award in Leadership and an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree. She is enlisted as a member of the Women Hall of Fame, National Women Development Centre, Abuja. She also is an active member of the Nigeria Economic Summit Group and the National Economic Management Team (NEMT). She is also a member of the United Nations Committee of Experts on International Cooperation on Tax Matters amongst other international bodies.

Source: http://www.nigerianbestforum.com/blog/?p=108342

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

'ExtremeSpeed Pikachu' to be given away in Japan: Ky?sh? Shinkansen railway to serve as venue

Bulbanews has a new editor in chief! Welcome, Trom!
Want to write an article? Go ahead! Have an opinion to share? An idea for a new column? Contact us!

From Bulbanews, your community Pok?mon newspaper.

'ExtremeSpeed Pikachu' to be given away in Japan
Ky?sh? Shinkansen railway to serve as venue
  • Saturday, February 25, 2012

This article brought to you by Bulbanews, your community Pok?mon newspaper.

During his visit to the Pok?mon Center store in Fukuoka, Junichi Masuda revealed that a Pikachu with ExtremeSpeed, a move which cannot be learned by said Pok?mon normally, will be distributed at the Ky?sh? Shinkansen railway in Japan to commemorate their new bullet train.

ExtremeSpeed (Japanese: ???? Godspeed) is a damage-dealing Normal-type move introduced in Generation II. It is essentially a stronger version of Quick Attack. This will follow the numerous moves Pikachu are capable of knowing through events, including Surf, Fly, Yawn and Sing.

Further details regarding the event distribution are expected to be revealed on the official site of JR Ky?sh? on Feb. 27, 2012.

Source: http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/'ExtremeSpeed_Pikachu'_to_be_given_away_in_Japan

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NASA's Mars rover stays in the picture

Mars' reddish dust covers the Opportunity rover's solar panels in this downward-looking view, assembled from images taken by the NASA probe's panoramic camera from Dec. 21 to 24, 2011. The mosaic was put together in such a way as to omit the mast on which the camera is mounted.

By Alan Boyle

One of the trickiest things that NASA's Opportunity rover does on Mars is take a look at itself?? but for the six-wheeled rover, it's been a vital part of its eight-year-plus mission on the Red Planet.

This picture illustrates why the occasional once-over is so important: Because Opportunity relies on solar power, mission controllers back on Earth need to know how much dust is accumulating on the rover's solar panels. It's been a while since the dust has been swept off by Martian winds, and so there's quite a bit of dust covering the power-generating cells right now.

The dust hasn't been so much of a concern during the previous southern winters that Opportunity has spent in Meridiani Planum on the Red Planet. But as winter approaches this time, NASA has decided to position the rover on a north-facing slope so that it can soak up as much of the sun's weak rays as possible. That's a strategy that the rover team employed in the past with Opportunity's twin, the Spirit rover, which now lies moribund in Gusev Crater on the other side of the planet.

Opportunity is conducting research in place as it sits on the north-facing slope of a ridge known as Greeley Haven, on the rim of the 14-mile-wide Endeavour Crater. The rover's going to be there for a while: Mars' southern winter solstice takes place on March 30, and the planet's seasons last roughly twice as long as Earth's. So we'll be seeing a lot of the rover's surroundings at Greeley Haven ? including the current focus of its scientific studies, a rock called Amboy.

For comparison's sake, here's a picture of Opportunity's relatively clean solar panels from September 2007:

NASA / JPL-Caltech / Cornell

This mosaic shows Opportunity's solar panels in September 2007 as seen by the rover's panoramic camera. The downward-looking view has been assembled to omit the mast on which the camera is mounted.

And here's a real treat from space artist Don Davis: A painstakingly assembled mosaic of imagery from Opportunity, looking east-southeast over Endeavour Crater to the far side just before sunset. You can see Opportunity's dust-covered solar panels and color-calibration sundial in the foreground. In the distance, you can see the long shadows cast on the crater floor ? including the slight bump of a shadow that could well have been cast by Opportunity itself. It's a picture to marvel over, and astronomer/educator Stuart Atkinson does his fair share of marveling on the "Road to Endeavour" website. Emily Lakdawalla provides further details about Davis' rendition on the Planetary Society Blog.

Copyright Don Davis / NASA / JPL / Cornell

Don Davis created this mosaic from imagery sent back from Mars by NASA's Opportunity rover as the sun was setting on Jan. 27. The rover is looking out from a ridge toward the far rim of Endeavour Crater. The shadow of the ridge, and Opportunity itself, can be made out on the crater floor, toward the right edge of the image.

A little section of this picture served as this week's "Where in the Cosmos" picture puzzle on the Cosmic Log Facebook page earlier today. It didn't take long for Josh Jones to figure out what the picture showed, and to reward his mastery of a Martian mystery, I'm sending him a pair of 3-D glasses. Join the Cosmic Log Facebook community and stay tuned for the next "Where in the Cosmos" puzzle.

Speaking of Mars, my space-watching colleagues and I touched upon Red Planet research and other cosmic topics during the Weekly Space Hangout on Thursday. To wind up the week, here's the webcast, courtesy of Universe Today's Fraser Cain:

In this edition of the Weekly Space Hangout, we talk about the non-discovery of faster-than-light neutrinos, the possibility of quakes on Mars, and explanation for the ridge on Iapetus, the 25th anniversary of SN1987A, and a steamy water world.

More about Mars:

Alan Boyle is msnbc.com's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following @b0yle on Twitter or adding Cosmic Log's Google+ page to your circle. You can also check out "The Case for Pluto," my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for other worlds.

Source: http://photoblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/02/24/10501586-the-mars-rover-stays-in-the-picture

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When you try to spend time outdoors to enjoy a relaxed atmosphere, you might think it is important to have a teak patio furniture. They are one of high quality outdoor furniture. Teak patio furniture will also maximize your decor and provides maximum comfort. Teak patio furniture is widely used by homeowners because it has the best durability, quality, and flexibility. They are also resistant to water so that it can be placed outside the room.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Wall St rises, nearing 4-year highs (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange February 21, 2012. REUTERS/Brendan McDermidReuters - Wall Street stocks rose on Thursday after data showed the U.S. labor market remained on the mend, but the market stalled as it approached highs not seen since before the 2008 collapse of Lehman Brothers.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/stocks/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120223/bs_nm/us_markets_stocks

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Enhance Your Condition Of Mind Using These Self Help Guidelines ...

There are several forms of self-support methods, which includes guides, seminars, meetings plus much more. Within an arena of troubles, there are many different troubles and lots of unique venues to pick from as a way to try to find the enable you to require. This short article discusses self-assist and provides you directions on how to find the things you need.

Find out what it implies to actually be considered a human being. You might be so small within the scale from the universe. After you can know this, you can start to grow. It is possible to acknowledge you have much to find out, a lot to fully grasp, as well as a whole lot that one could strengthen on.

Principles play a big part from the attainment of desired goals. Determine your principles initially then make desired goals to make sure they happen to be in alignment. As long as they contradict one another then you will definitely be incapable of make progress, for you will definitely be functioning against on your own with an extremely basic degree. So, truthfully determine the beliefs that make a difference to you, in more detail. Then, use that specifics of yourself, in order to establish desired goals that suit your maximum values in everyday life.

Develop a personalized advancement plan to get the most out of your time and energy commitment. Trying personalized growth with no detailed strategy in place with your goals and activities usually guarantees an absence of good results because it is difficult to stay focused on a few regions of advancement without a structured plan.

Generally attempt to build optimistic interactions wherever you could possibly go, since you by no means know the place new contacts can lead you. Every single person you fulfill ought to be given individual focus. Consumers are usually shocking, and you can never ever foresee just how an achieving will develop. Your positivity and extroversion may possibly direct anyone to delightful new options.

There is absolutely no time for lame excuses in individual development. Quit excuses in the entrance, and nip any laziness within the bud. A single undesirable transfer can cause a long-expression poor behavior, so stopping laziness ahead of it begins is actually just saving you potential future perform. Individual improvement is around staying your greatest constantly, so practice what you want to obtain.

Setting up an early morning jogging routine can offer an improve to your personalized development strategy. Early day sun rays is nice for your brain and walking is nice for your body. You can use this time to quietly represent for the upcoming day and commend your self for obtaining them back to a fresh, nutritious start.

Self-assist has every thing to do with a proper lifestyle and pleased man or woman. With numerous approaches to begin looking for the help you will need, it can be imperative to obtain suggestions and do analysis on where to go. Adhere to the ideas out of this short article and search for the help that you desire.

If you would like supplementary knowledge in regard to itil, visit Mercedes F Machold?s website at once.

Article Date: 24 Feb 2012

About Author

Author: WendolynMattu757

This author has published 555 articles so far. More info about the author is coming soon.

Source: http://articleflux.com/enhance-your-condition-of-mind-using-these-self-help-guidelines&id=36598

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New Family of Limbless Amphibians Discovered in India

News | Evolution

The new family of caecilians includes seven new species of the soil-dwelling creatures and adds a new branch to the amphibian tree of life

Image: Proceedings of the Royal Society B

From Nature magazine.

An entirely new family of amphibians has been discovered hiding in the soils of northeastern India.

In total, seven new species of these limbless, soil-dwelling and rather ugly creatures were unearthed by a team of researchers digging for over 1,000 man-hours.

?The discovery adds a major branch to the amphibian tree of life,? note Sathyabhama Das Biju of the University of Delhi, and his colleagues in their paper, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

These creatures are members of the caecilian order of amphibians, which look more like earthworms than their better-known classmates the frogs and toads, and can grow to be more than a metre long. They build nests underground and brood their young there, as shown above with Chikila fulleri. More than 500 examples of the new family of caecilians were found in 58 locations in northeastern India.

The new species are just the latest triumph for Biju, whose website details some of the 100-plus new species his team has described.

Sadly, as nearly always seems to be the case, the paper describing these new creatures comes with this caveat:

?Further explorations and conservation actions are urgent because the region?s biodiversity is generally under high threat from the growing resident human population and rapid deforestation."

This article is reproduced with permission from the magazine Nature. The article was first published on February 22, 2012.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=150420ee905a83cae99a2f68d69a15d0

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Satellite Telephone Basics

A satellite telephone is a cell phone that directs and will get messages through orbiting satellites that provide insurance to the entire world or just specific areas.

The phones used for satellite tv for pc communication in many cases are larger in dimensions than the ones that have been used for terrestrial programs. These phones might be comparable to the actual cell phones that were used throughout the late 80s and The nineteen nineties. These phones in addition have a large sinkable antenna Satellite phone sales.

Satellite television phones employ Low Globe Orbit satellites pertaining to communication. These satellites orbit the earth at substantial speeds with low height. These satellites fly complete orbits and guarantee complete insurance over every area by a minumum of one satellite at all times.

When a phone is made with the actual satellite telephone, the call indication goes up through the satellite telephone hand set up to a satellite tv for pc hundreds of miles in orbit. The signal then goes to one of the many satellites within the low world orbit. The indication then fails to one with the ground programs, from where the actual signal can be finally shipped to the vacation spot hand arranged.

To receive an excellent service the actual hand arranged will need at the very least 80% view of the sky. Obstructions including buildings and trees may block the actual satellite indication from attaining your unit satellite phone plans. The strength of the calls depends on the user?s view of the sky and also the current position with the satellite.

The satellite phones use only orbiting satellites rather than any cell towers pertaining to communication. One more interesting characteristic of satellite tv for pc phones is they work actually during power outages. The only prerequisite could be that the phone have to have a incurred battery pertaining to usage. Because these phones perform even during power blackouts, you can have continuous communication even in the event of your total damage. These phones can be used for voice and data communication even when all other forms of communication would be interrupted for days. In the event of an emergency, a satellite tv for pc phone is a valuable asset and could mean the difference involving life and death where communication is crucial.

Although satellite tv for pc phones are extremely huge today, they will expanding smaller as technology advances. These phones satisfy many particular roles and provide essential marketing communications in several programs.

Source: http://lancebaker.me/satellite-telephone-basics

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - A political adviser to President Barack Obama says Republicans are damaging their chances of defeating him by engaging in "nasty, negative, carpet-bombing" debates.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/democrats/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120223/ap_on_el_ge/gop_campaign_democrats

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Online Video Game Reviews- What precisely you need to know ...

I?m certain all people are just about all acquainted with game playing reviews, and several folks happen to be to some kind of gaming website within the last little bit. Right now here is my personal issue, could it be simply me personally or perhaps carry out many of the video gaming reviews on each gaming website seem to be. . . the same?

In fact I think I love the thought of that, a video game titles reviews website which has actual video game critiques published by genuine gamers. You realize, the actual avid gamers who understand these types of game titles entirely in and out and will tell you exactly what is completely wrong or perhaps proper with the video game, very easily at the drop of your hat. These types of players love these video games and also perform them of times, really do not think to find out a specific video game, next through these folks? They are the ones who spend their money about the games and use their spare time to try out these.

Because had been mentioned before, many of the evaluations from all of from the well known game playing sites, almost all seem the identical plus it seems to me personally in any case, they are all published by the exact same folks. I am not sure concerning numerous players, I can simply talk about myself. When I?m thinking about a video game Now i?m a person which i goes with a video gaming web site and just read the score out of 10. However when I?ve done that, I will go study all the players critiques about the game to discover the way they experience it, and also I will speak to my personal video gaming pals in regards to the video game too.

Personally I think it would be cool to possess a website which includes video games critiques written by your gamers who adore the game. If you ask me, there?s no some other strategy for finding away about a sport after that by someone who wants to listen to it within their spare time all day. I am not a person who is truly considering reading a review by someone who might be considered a gamer, or even through an agent who has just totally video game by means of maybe once or twice. I would somewhat make out the print from the true gamers, that are playing on a daily basis. That knows better about the game titles after that all of them?

Before heading purchase these video games, you should check out some sites such as ps3 reviews and top rated video games.

Source: http://articlegoes.com/online-video-game-reviews-what-precisely-you-need-to-know.html

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Deer Valley, Vail & Telluride ? What has Ski Resorts Got to Offer ...

With family ski holiday, you can find some time for relaxation & fun. Australia offers a number of ski destinations like deer valley, Vail,?St. Anton, Telluride and many more. It has become a very popular tourist destination for many enthusiastic travellers & tourists. You have plenty of activities to do, when you are in this beautiful country.?

Australia is well-known for numerous ski resorts and destinations, which makes it truly unique and ideal for snow sport. There are a number of places here for skiing, which provides a sense of rigid beauty for which this country is famous for along with the traditional feel of winter months. With the approach of winter months, it is best to think about where you and your family will spend ski holiday.?

By booking in advance for your?ski holidays, your chances of getting the best property, securing booking discount and enjoying stress free holiday gets increased.

In this way, you can find different affordable resorts and best accommodation as per your family needs and your budget limit. No matter even if you are holidaying with other family groups, still it will allow enough of gossips and discussion time. In this way, you can ensure that all the people of your group are happy with the selection of ski resort & accommodation. Your job as a lead booker will serve your purpose of pleasing everyone in the group and you can get praises for your work.

By surfing online, you can search for the availability of fantastic & affordable family ski resorts to enjoy your family ski holiday.

There are several ski resorts equipped with all the top-class facilities to ensure that you are safe on the slopes and have enough entertainment of the destination. Majority of resorts organise programmes & family friendly activities, so that families can actively participate in them and can enjoy themselves to the fullest.?

To help tourists with skiing sport, there are numbers of ski schools, which provide training & teach required skills to adults & children. You can get confused when it comes to selection of perfect ski accommodation or resorts for ski holidays. As almost all the major resorts have varied range of catered family ski chalets and self-catered ones as per the group?s size, budget-limit and level of service required by tourists.?

You can ease the process of booking by doing it in advance for your winter vacation. This will keep the process hassle free and will allow you to do some research to ensure that you opt for the best affordable deals and accommodation for you & your family.?

To get more interesting ideas about ski holidays and Australian destinations like?Deer Valley,?Vail,?St. Anton,?Telluride, etc. you can scroll related sites & online portals on the Internet. After collecting useful information about holidays plans & accommodation, you can then just sit back and relax for the D-day to arrive. Thus, with proper and advance planning, you can plan for your winter holidays in an easy and hassle-free way.

Source: http://travel.ezinemark.com/deer-valley-vail-telluride-what-has-ski-resorts-got-to-offer-tourists-7d34051ff17c.html

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Apr 20, 2010 | By Marie Mulrooney. Photo Credit ball exercises image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.com. Features that an may have that a ball cannot provide include adjustable seat depth and angle, lumbar. Our office chairs and ergonomic chairs have features that ensure you a correct posture and fit. These desk and office are ideal for people who work long hours while sitting, or who have back.

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To ensure that the desk is right for you, check that the back support is adequate in the model that you intend to purchase by trying it out. There should be an adjustable lumbar in the back support. Also, using ball chairs takes discipline in the beginning. It is easy to still slouch and lean on the desk with your arms while sitting on ball About the Site: Do you need new but you dont now how to make a choice? The Many Benefits Of Ergonomic Drafting Chairs. July 11th, 2006 by Ergonomics expert. Here is a list of ball chairs grabbed up by our customers at a bargain price: Mid Century Modern Conant Ball Desk Russel Wright - US $280.00, Vintage Claw Mahogany Side Desk - US $149.99, Conant Ball Russel Wright. This ergonomics focuses on pushing the hips forward and aligning the back and neck. One particularly useful desk is the saddle It gets its name from the position looking similar to riding a horse, where the user is.

Purported Benefits of an Exercise as a I don't have one of those $500+ Herman Miller chairs, but do have a lumbar support roll for my desk which is sized small enough for my frame so I fit comfortably in it and. Mould: Ball Kept My Back Straight. Characteristics of the Best Ergonomic Design. Freedom Humanscale Top Choice of Chairs 21st Century. Use You Will Forget about Back Pain. Chairs, Ergonomic Office Chairs, Ergonomic Mesh and Leather Executive Chairs, Chairs, Buy Cheap Discount Inexpensive Ergo On Sale At The Best Price, Computer, Ergonomics Review. This entry was posted in ergonomics and tagged bally total fitness ball review, ball with wheels, chairs, chairs sitting. Work comfortably with our line of premium office chairs and chairs..Office Chairs; Best Knee In Toronto; Massage; Chairs And Office Equipment; Leather Ease Back Chairs Andnot Office Hon Office Star Student And etc. The exercise ball is another completely different type of As the name states, it is a which is large enough to support the user in any long-term sitting usage, and works well as a desk or computer If your most of the waking hours are spent at your then you need a sturdy and comfortable is the best one for todays intense work environment.

It provides great support to back, arms and legs and reduces exposures.

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Source: http://www.officechairchoice.com/office-chair-reviews/Ergonomic+Desk+Chair+Ball.html

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Prison fight kills 44 in Mexico (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Mexican President Felipe Calderon glances behind after unveiling a banner reading Reuters - At least 44 people died in a fight between rival gangs at an overcrowded prison in northern Mexico in a violent outbreak that authorities said could have been a distraction that allowed some inmates to escape.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/mexico/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20120220/wl_nm/us_mexico_prison

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MIAMI REAL ESTATE CONDO SALES MetaOne Miami Living | One ...

The luxury condo resale market in Miami is back and growing! In fact, and thanks to the foreign buyers with strong currencies, more Multimillion-Dollar Condos were sold in 2011 than in the last real estate boom of 2006.

According to an analysis of data from the Southeast Florida MLS Database, there was a 29 percent increase in 2011 from the previous year in the luxury condo resale activity. Areas with most resurgence in Luxury Condo Sales include the posh Miami Beach Condos, where a penthouse was sold for $21.5 million, followed by the lavish South of Fifth Luxury Condos neighborhood where various condominiums were sold for over $10 million.
More and more ultra-luxury condominium units in Miami are appearing on the resale market in areas such as the Bal Harbour Condos,and the unique Sunny Isles Beach Condos while the developers are taking advantage of the resurgent market and building several new million-dollar condo towers in South Florida. For instance, the Brickell House is selling units before the construction is completed by giving the option of quarterly pay, which the foreign buyers are readily taking advantage of and paying cash; by the time the project is finished in two years, they will have paid for almost 70% of their home and will have gotten a great deal. Just 90 days into the sale of 374 units at Brickell House, 190 of them quickly went to Brazilians, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Russians, Chinese and Europeans.
There is more proof that South Florida?s condo market is definitely back and is experiencing tremendous growth. In fact, Miami?s existing condo inventory is on the verge of being sold out. Catering to the foreigners, there are 22 newly-announced condo projects! Now is the time to buy and take advantage of the affordable luxury real estate in Brickell, South Beach, South of Fifth, Sunny Isles beach, Aventura, Hallandale Beach, Hollywood and other wealthy areas of Miami.

Post By

Yuliya Volokh


Source: http://onemiamiliving.com/miami-real-estate-condo-sales/

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tips on Commercial Real Estate Financing | Tourist Destinations ...

Many large banking companies now rely upon commercial finance as a profit-making tool despite a decline in residential sales. Commercial real estate loans are perceived as a less-risky investment for companies that have large reserves of capital. Although the single family home sales are on the decline, the commercial real estate market is growing. If you?re struggling to understand the concepts behind commercial real estate loans, first examine the difference between commercial financing and residential financing. Residential loans are applicable for single families, whereas commercial loans apply to larger groups, such as a corporate office building or a large condominium compound. Most residential loans are given at a maximum of several hundred thousand dollars; commercial real estate loans are much higher, sometimes reaching millions or billions of dollars.

Commercial loans are seen as a secure place to invest, even though a bank or other investment firm might be adding more money into it. They are very strict about which businesses receive these loans. The companies must prove they have collateral, assets, and a business history shown on income statements. All these pieces of information are used to decide if the business is worthy of a commercial loan. Another benefit of commercial lending is that there are more opportunities and products available. The housing market is cyclical, but many commercial projects are built even in a economic downtown. Past residential growth fuels a need for more store and commercial business that does not stop when residential housing slows. This makes commercial real estate loans desirable for banks and lending institutions. Small banks and financial institutions cannot compete on a level playing field with large capital banks, simply because of the large amounts of money needed to finance commercial products. This phenomenon makes the commercial market much less competitive than the residential market. Large banks increase their bottom line by being in the forefront of commercial, which benefits stockholders. Despite the strengthened position, there is always the chance an investment could lose money. A natural or artificial disaster could cripple the project, or the company may not be able to continue payments upon completion. However, even in such rare cases there are ways to deal with the issues. Assuming the project was properly insured, a profit can still be turned on such commercial real estate loans. Such a result is good for every party involved in the process. For commercial financing and commercial real estate lending see East Coast Commercial Finance. Howard Brule provides professional article marketing services.

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Source: http://www.top-tourist-destinations.com/tips-on-commercial-real-estate-financing

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Nutrition and Superfood Expert David Wolfe Gathers 15 Top Anti ...

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) September 13, 2010

David Wolfe?s Longevity Now Conference is three consecutive days of natural nutrition and health information from 15 dynamic and visionary speakers at the Costa Mesa Hilton in Costa Mesa, California on September 24-26, 2010. Topics explored include herbs, detox, super immunity, longevity, fitness, anti-aging, energy, raw food, and grounding. The Longevity Now Conference is the first live event in the world to offer an interactive opportunity to experience being ?grounded? utilizing a proprietary technology while attending the seminar.

Attendee?s will also experience the Longevity Tonic Bar that serves some of the most powerful, delicious unique healing drinks available anywhere.

As co-founder David Wolfe states, ?The Longevity Now Conference is an opportunity to upgrade our health operating system from the old model. Opportunities for attendees to learn, feel, and taste the latest and greatest breakthroughs are available only at the Longevity Now Conference.

Source: http://financefetch.com/2012/02/nutrition-and-superfood-expert-david-wolfe-gathers-15-top-anti-aging-detox-and-immunity-speakers-at-longevity-now-conference-health-event/

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Friday, February 17, 2012


KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 (Bernama) ? Bank Negara Malaysia clarified that buying and selling of foreign currency in Malaysia is only allowed with licensedcommercial banks, Islamic banks, investment banks and international Islamicbanks as provided for under the Exchange Control Act 1953.Such trading is also allowed with licensed money services business providers(money changers) as provided for under ?

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Source: http://ribhnews.wordpress.com/2012/02/16/bank-negara-fatwa-council-explains-foreign-currency-trading-status/

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Why the big talk about small business is wrong (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Chart shows change in small business job growthAP - Mitt Romney says they're "job creators" and vows to come to their aid as president. Newt Gingrich visited them on his "jobs and growth" bus tour. President Barack Obama calls them "the engine of our economy."

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/gop/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120216/ap_on_bi_ge/us_small_business_jobs

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Negotiators reach tentative payroll tax cut pact (AP)

WASHINGTON ? House-Senate talks on renewing a payroll tax cut that delivers about $20 a week to the average worker yielded a tentative agreement Tuesday, with lawmakers planning to unveil the pact Wednesday and sending the measure to President Barack Obama as early as this week.

Under the outlines of the emerging agreement, a 2 percentage-point cut in the Social Security payroll tax would be extended through the end of the year, with the nearly $100 billion cost added to the deficit. Jobless benefits for the long-term unemployed would be renewed as well, with the $30 billion cost paid for in part through auctioning broadcast spectrum to wireless companies and requiring federal workers to contribute more toward their pensions.

GOP lawmakers leaving a party meeting said they were told a tentative pact had been reached but said some details could change before the compromise was finalized, probably on Wednesday. They described the session as largely positive, and several predicted the House would approve the deal.

The payroll tax cut and renewing jobless benefits were key planks in Obama's jobs program, which was announced in September. The payroll tax cut benefits 160 million Americans and delivers a tax cut of about $20 a week for a typical worker making $50,000 a year. People making a $100,000 salary would get a $2,000 tax cut.

The deal would not only be a win for Obama but would take the payroll tax fight ? which put Republicans on the defensive ? off the table for the fall election campaign.

"The mood is to get it off the table," freshman Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla., said. "We've got to move on to another issue."

"It's a compromise," said Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., a tea party-backed freshman and one of the bargainers. "We knew we'd be making a compromise."

The agreement also would avert a huge cut in Medicare payments to doctors, financed by cuts elsewhere in the federal health care budget, GOP and Democratic aides said. The cuts include a hitting a "prevention fund" established under Obama's health care law aimed at fighting smoking and obesity.

Aides in both parties said Senate Democrats were rebuffed in an effort to renew a package of expired tax breaks for individuals and businesses, including clean energy tax credits cherished by Democrats and a tax break sought by businesses that purchase new equipment.

Negotiators agreed to reduce the number of weeks of benefits that workers would be eligible to receive if they lose their jobs. The maximum number of weeks of benefits in states with the highest jobless rates would be cut from 99 weeks to 73 weeks by the end of the year, said Josh Drobnyk, an aide to Rep. Sander Levin, D-Mich.

And in a win for the Hispanic community, Republicans would drop a proposal to require that low-income workers who claim a refundable child tax credit be required to have a Social Security number. The proposal was aimed at blocking illegal immigrants from claiming the credit, but the idea created a firestorm among Hispanics who pointed out that many of the children affected by the cutoff are U.S. citizens.

Republicans also were expected to drop a proposal requiring unemployed people to enroll in GED classes to obtain benefits, and a GOP proposal allowing states to employ drug tests as a condition of receiving unemployment benefits would be scrapped as well. But Republicans won a provision requiring jobless people to be more diligent in job searches as a condition of receiving benefits.

The legislation also would extend welfare grants to states.

Tuesday's developments came just a day after GOP leaders announced that they would relent on a demand that the cost of renewing the payroll tax cut be defrayed by spending cuts elsewhere in the budget. That made it significantly easier for negotiators to come up with savings to pay for the remaining items.

Obama weighed in Tuesday, urging Congress to act immediately to renew both the payroll tax cut and jobless benefits for millions of workers who have been out of work for more than six months.

"Just pass this middle-class tax cut. Pass the extension of unemployment insurance," Obama said at a White House appearance. "Do it before it's too late and I will sign it right away."

Democrats in the Senate warned Republicans that they would pay a political price for extending the payroll tax cut while allowing millions of jobless people lose their unemployment benefits.

Republicans acknowledged that the issue had cost them politically. The pact comes less than two months after a fight over a temporary renewal of the tax cut blew up in the faces of House Republicans.

"The plan provides temporary tax relief for American families and takes off the table a false political attack the president and congressional Democrats wanted to use all year long ? that somehow Republicans were standing in the way of a middle class tax cut," a House GOP leadership aide said.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/obama/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120215/ap_on_go_co/us_payroll_tax

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lawmakers move to cusp of deal on payroll tax cut (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Congressional leaders are gauging lawmakers' reactions to a tentative deal extending a 2 percentage-point payroll tax cut and extra jobless benefits through 2012, a pact bargainers reached after House Republicans conceded that the tax cut would not have to be paid for with spending cuts.

Both sides cautioned late Tuesday that the agreement was not final and still could be altered. If completed, final congressional approval was possible by Friday, which would be an election-year victory for President Barack Obama, who made the payroll tax cut a keystone of his largely ignored jobs creation plan in September.

House Republicans emerging from a closed-door meeting said reaction to the package was generally positive, with some saying it reflected a desire to avoid spending months debating an issue that cost them dearly last year. In December, the House GOP initially opposed a two-month extension of the tax cut and other benefits that were about to lapse, only to retreat under pressure from outside party leaders and conservatives.

"We've got to move onto another issue," said Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla. "I think that's what the mood is."

"I'd say most people are for it, at least accepting it," said Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y.

Republicans were determined that Obama not be able to claim that the GOP was standing in the way of a middle-class tax cut. They would rather spend the months leading up to the November presidential and congressional elections focused on GOP themes of opposing tax increases, higher spending and Obama administration regulations that they say stifle job creation.

The tentative compromise would extend through December the current 2 percentage-point cut in the usual 6.2 percent Social Security payroll tax deducted from workers' paychecks. That reduction, which saves $1,000 a year for families earning $50,000, would affect 160 million workers and would otherwise expire on March 1.

It would also prevent extra unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless from expiring March 1 and block a 27 percent cut in reimbursements for doctors who treat Medicare patients. Overall, the legislation would cost roughly $150 billion.

On Monday, House Republicans dropped their demand that the payroll tax cut ? totaling roughly two-thirds of the bill ? be paid for. The hunt for savings had been one of the chief hurdles in weeks of negotiation over the legislation.

Also excluded, aides said, was a collection of expiring tax breaks, largely for businesses buying equipment and other corporate expenses that had been sought by some lawmakers of both parties.

Participants said the Medicare payments to doctors would be paid for by reducing Medicare reimbursements to hospitals and by cutting in half an $8 billion program under Obama's health care overhaul aimed at battling obesity and smoking.

The unemployment benefits would be financed with a collection of savings that include government sales of parts of the broadcast airwaves to wireless companies and from boosting federal workers' contributions to their pensions.

Democrats were saying little publicly, and House Democrats planned to meet Wednesday to discuss the tentative plan.

In private, some Democrats called it a victory, pointing to the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefit extensions while heading off the GOP's earlier demand that the entire measure be financed with spending cuts and other savings. Others complained that the jobless benefit extensions were not generous enough.

Republicans claimed victory, too, noting their rejection of early Democratic efforts to pay for the payroll tax cut by boosting taxes on millionaires, and with jobless extensions that would be less than the 99 weeks under current law that Democrats wanted to renew.

Aides presented differing figures about how many extra weeks of coverage would be provided, but they roughly agreed that the current 99-week maximum would fall to around 73 weeks for most states. Republicans had wanted to cut the ceiling to 59 weeks.

Republicans abandoned provisions from a House-passed bill that would have required the jobless to pursue a high school equivalency degree to get benefits and let states require recipients to undergo drug testing.

They also dropped other House-passed language forcing low-income people to have Social Security numbers to get government checks by claiming the children's tax credit, a move that was aimed at illegal immigrants and caused a furor among many Hispanics.

Early Tuesday, Obama tried turning up the heat on Republicans to strike a deal.

"Just pass this middle-class tax cut. Pass the extension of unemployment insurance," he said at a White House appearance. "Do it before it's too late and I will sign it right away."


Associated Press writer Andrew Taylor contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/us/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20120215/ap_on_go_co/us_payroll_tax

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